My husband (58) has just been diagnosed with having Local Advanced Prostate Cancer following a TURBT
operation to remove a tumour in his bladder.
We were told it's Local Advanced Prostate Cancer, his is an unusual cancer growth which is inoperable, Grade 4, with a Gleason grade 8.
He is being treated for prostate cancer as the lab report said he has "seeds" in his prostate which grew through
the bladder into a 2cm tumour. What a shock! He had his prostate checked in November and results came back clear?????
We asked about life expectancy and was told 1-10 years!!
Hubby now has to go for a radioactive bone scan followed by hormone therapy and radiotherapy at Christies.
If cancer has spread into his bones this will be a different ball game all together i'm sure but we have to remain
positive all the same.
Just wondered if anyone out there has a similar experience so we know what to expect