Hi Roger,
Now able to view thank you.
There are quite a number of things concerning diet and supplements that may help when it comes to avoiding or delaying the development of PCa and vitamin D could be one of them. I remember as a child during WW2 I was given a spoonful of Cod Liver oil each day and was given two or three drops of Halibut oil. I did subsequently have the Cod Liver oil capsules but stopped these when a wider range of food became available and advice was these were not necessary with a well balanced diet. Clearly, diet, vitamins and supplements need to be considered earlier.
At one time there was a thought that very high amounts of intravenously given, rather than ingested vitamin C would not only stop cancer but reverse it. If memory serves me correctly, and it was some 11 years ago now, I found an article on a practitioner in the USA who did this and apparently had good success but came up against the FDA (or whatever they called themselves at the time) and it was suggested that with big Pharma applied pressure to stop this treatment being given to patients was carried out.
There are so many things that are supposed to help stop or slow PCa. tomatoes (particularly fried) and pomegranate juice are two that come to mind. Then I have a cutting that says 'Eating nuts slashes prostate cancer death risk by a third'. Five 1oz serving a week of any type of nut cut mortality by 34% researchers found* . Nuts are rich in tocopherols type of vitamin E, They also contain phytochemicals thought to have anti-cancer properties.
* Latest study published in the British Journal of Cancer by experts at Harvard Medical School in Boston tracked 47,000 men over 26 years and identified 6,800 who developed Pca. Eating nuts regularly seemed to have little effect in terms of preventing malignant growths but surprisingly found sufferers who ate nuts at least five times a week were 34% less likely to die from PCa than those who ate nuts once a month
I can't find the story now about high dose vitamin C but if you have the time, this long film of 2010 is quite fascinating and shows what some innovators in the the USA came up against from Big Pharma and the medical establishment. Whilst there are certainly quacks out there, and some elaborate treatment have improved outcomes, one might question whether there are answers in more simple less expensive solutions as suggested in this film. https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/cancer-forbidden-cures/
Edited by member 27 Jan 2019 at 08:16
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