Hello Stew and welcome to the site.
I have started on your blog and despite what it's about I did find your writing amusing and informative as I'm sure any of the men about to start hormones or radiotherapy would as well.
Could I make a suggestion that you copy and paste into your profile on this site so that it is readily available in the future. That way you can direct people straight from here.
Each member's post disappears from the page as others come along and unless somebody remembers your name they won't be able to say to people "Have a look at Stew the Blog's post, you'll find it funny and helpful"
I've found my husband's profile page to be a handy way of keeping track of his diagnosis and treatment, almost like a diary in fact.
I've got as far as the radiotherapy blog and will make sure I read the rest over the weekend.
Keep up the positiveness Stew, and thanks for posting