Hi Jamie770, welcome to the community. Sorry you've joined our club but you are in the right place for help.
It’s good your employer offered the checkup.
With the cancer being contained a radical prostatectomy, EBRT or brachytherapy plus EBRT are all options. The brachytherapy/EBRT combination has shown a lot of promise.
Side effects will be present after any of the treatments.
Ask the surgeon if the tumours you have offer the possibility of nerve sparing radical prostatectomy. This will give you the chance of preserving erectile function.
The prostatectomy offers a cure with the side effects front loaded. You waken up after the operation with a catheter in situ but your recovery starts straight away.
With brachytherapy/EBRT the side effects will slowly build up over time but it still offers a curative option. The hormone therapy will also give you side effects.
Download the toolkit from this site, it may also be worthwhile having a chat with the specialist nurses here on 0800 074 8383.