12 days post nerve sparing robotic prostatectomy my husband has a little incontinence but is working his kegels like crazy! He takes Cialis every other day as prescribed and it does give him a bit of a headache but is persisting as it is early days yet.He had mentioned already feeling some "action" in his willy since the catheter was removed 4 days ago.
This morning we cried tears of joy after he had a fabulous erection and orgasm. Just like old times except no spunk! (No intercourse as his belly too tender, but no complaints about that) We are hoping this trend continues! We are very much in love and it wouldn't matter either way because life expectancy matters more ( we have young teens) and we are prepared to deal with whatever life brings, and are fine about pumps, rings and all that, if necessary.
I am posting this because we want to share that with others who are anxious, scared and worried pre surgery that you too may be like this.
Every day we are thankful but today we are bursting with gratitude and relief.
We know there are so many wonderful people on this site and we have been glued to it for weeks, we are not bragging or gloating but feel it can be useful to others to know miracles can happen.