Hi Tony
I’m 55 now, was diagnosed at readjusted at 53. Gleason 9 (4+5), positive margins and spread to lymph nodes. Not the best news! Went straight on to hormone treatment and radiotherapy, which wasn’t pleasant.
So here I am now, just over two years on from surgery. Almost a year on from HT and RT, and my PSA has stabilised (currently…) at <0.003. I’ll take that! I also have lymphodoema, leakage, some penile shrinkage, remnants of moobs, and annoyingly flattened libido, most likely caused by leaking like a running tap when I get aroused. I believe this is referred to as the new normal.
And it’s exactly that, the new normal. Am I cured? Who knows. It may well come back, then I’ll have to deal with it as best I can. I may develop bowel cancer, courtesy of the RT. I may die in a rock climbing accident (more likely!) or drown whilst diving. Or become an RTA statistic. I may come into some money and spend the rest of my life somewhere warm with great food. So many options,
Cancer is only part of my life, there is plenty more to enjoy. My daughter (then aged 10) said in passing “there’s no point worrying about it, just live every day and enjoy it.” She really did say that, to her own dad going through cancer treatment. Very simple, I know. But maybe life really is that simple. We can complicate it with anxieties and worries about what may or may not happen, but we all know all that does is spin our heads up and gain nothing of any use for us.
Take away the worries, put them on a shelf for later reference if needed, and get on with life. Seeing a counsellor or the like will help, and most likely the talking will be similar to the above, but with more hand holding!
Life is good, find things you enjoy and do them.