I have now discussed my histology report with my surgeon following my RARP. The cancer was entirely confined to the prostate with no evidence of spread to lymph nodes (9 removed) or surrounding tissues. The Gleason score was amended to 3.4 from 4.3 on the right side and 3.3 on the left. My PSA is undetectable. In the surgeons words the surgery “ achieved everything which it was intended to achieve” and when I asked what the chances of a reoccurrence were he replied “very vey low” based upon my circumstances. Whilst he clearly could not confirm a cure and whilst there is always the prospect of the cancer coming back, the result is I think about as good as I could reasonably have hoped for. My continence is about 98% back and there is even some movement on the ED front, although still a long way to go with that. When I was diagnosed with PCa in November I felt that my life was virtually over and despite the invaluable support from this site, it was still hard to be optimistic despite the indications that the cancer was contained and the treatment was intended to be curative. I hope that my apparently successful treatment will provide some hope and comfort to those recently diagnosed with localised disease. Whilst there will always be uncertainty, especially for the next two years ( I understand that if the cancer is going to return it is likely to be within 2 years), I am now at least feeling a lot more positive and relaxed. For those of you with localised cancer, a good outcome is a real possibility.