Good Morning
Sorry to read that your Diagnosis is prostate cancer.
I dont have knowledge of prostate cancer related illness .I dont even know the terminology of prostrate RP.HT.RT,PSA level etc numbers, ..but because of I Had prostate operation I know what is like afterwards of it.
Are you sure ...are you definitely sure you are diagnosed by cancer???are you 100% sure????
I was diagnosed with cancer last November.
But the way I was told That I had a cancer it was so theatrical. It was a joke.yes I had to go ahead stupidly with the operation
But before that I was not suffering much even badly, all I said to my GP was SOMETIMES! I get feelings that I dont fully empty my bladder.that was it. (That could be because of I was consuming too much tea coffee red bull's)
Otherwise my sex life was great OVER THE MOON type of sex life night life I had.
my ex boss,s he owns 4 strips clubs so that can tell you something a bit.
I used to go to private house parts,clubs etc.(still I do but no actions)
So what I'm saying is yes had a great sex life but now its zero below,minus-50 !
What I'm saying is the RP operation is much different than what they told you, or Can tell you.or will tell you. Especially if your living on your own than that is so bad.
Yes they all say WE ALL DIFFERENT! but what they dont tell you is...if your a weak person,emotionally you can be find your self down
After 3 months RP operation I cannot even lift 2 shopping bags those as heavy as 10 kilogram.
Try to cure your self with something else.
Remember Doctors ,GP, they are there because of us.without us they cannot get paid.bonus.
I'm not sure about RT.HT but after RP operation your life will change just like that over night you will became a different person.
I dont know how old your but as we get older our sex life gets change anyway so libido as you know.but after the RP surgery never mind the libido....everything will change. That is the reality.
Saying that there are good people on here maybe they might advise you differently then my self.their knowledge is perfect and positive. I'm sure that some people might respond to me and say Please stop people putting off but they are entitlement to do so.
Good luck.
Ps: Are you sure you got cancer?