Just had my fifth Taxotere cycle and this one has been horrendous. Okay on the morning I have it then not just fatigue but a complete inability to sleep, a feeling like my veins are on fire and my bones are aching so much. It is akin to wanting to jump out of my body but being completely unable to - a feeling of being ill but not exactly knowing what the illness is.
I simply don’t know whether I can do the sixth one as this is the most painful and horrendous I have ever felt.
I had a scan just before chemo 5 which shows significant decrease in size of three of the four nodes but the forth one, an illiac node, showing a weird slight increase. I do not know why that should be. Also, since chemo one, my pSA has fallen from 41 to 19 which I suppose is good.
My thrombosis in the left leg is bothersome only relieved by wearing the compression stocking but it is only a slight inconvenience.
So that’s about it. I don’t know whether chemo is or will be worth it - whether it will increase my life nor indeed roughly how long I have left. The pessimist in me says dead by next May but you never know. Answers on a postcard.