As you say, we are all individual, but for what its worth, this is my experience of Cabazitaxel (so far!)
I had 6 cycles of Docetaxel between October 17 and February 18 and my PSA at the end of it was 25. The side effects of Docetaxel were quite irritating, sometimes severe, other times less so, but I did cope with it very well. At the end of it, after a recovery period of about a month, I really did feel well.
I subsequently took part in a clinical trial (called Re-Akt) which failed miserably and so in January this year, I commenced 10 cycles of Cabazitaxel. I had cycle number 5 on Wednesday last week.
The good news is that I have had no side effects whatsoever. I just don't know that I have had it at all and life is as normal as I could expect given my general condition. The bad news is that it doesn't seem to be achieving anything either. My PSA is rising dramatically and last Wednesday it stood at 1454. That's quite an increase from 25 this time last year.
My onco is seriously worried about the PSA rise and is organising CT and MRI scans ahead of my next infusion. He said he will stop this treatment if the scans show deterioration.
So, Cabazitaxel doesn't look too good from my point of view, but I hope you have more success.
Good luck