Finished radiotherapy six days ago. The diarrhea I developed in the final week of treatment has got steadily worse - burns like hell and a very sore bottom. Can't decide if I should take Immodium to treat the diarrhea - or whether that would just make going to the loo even more painful. OK - I can live with this - but not indefinitely. anyone got any idea how long this is likely to last?
Many thanks for the helpful advice. I am now operating a strategy involving wiping the bum (sorry), not with toilet paper but with cotton pads with a few drops of witch hazel and tea tree oil (instant relief from pain) - followed by a smear of Bepanthen nappy care ointment - which is so much more effective than any of the various haemmorhoid creams.
Still a bit sore round the rear end, but it's manageable.
I'm drinking fybogel twice a day and Vimto cordial., Pints of it.Backside is very tender with all the pooing but tolerable without medical help so far.It seems I have to completely empty my bowel every morning before I do anything.Hope this is temporary🤞if not I'll be changing my username to Bogmonster.
Edited by member 30 Apr 2019 at 14:14 | Reason: Typo
Kinda kills your social life, doesn't it? I do recommend the witch hazel on cotton pads. Instant relief.
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