In November 2018 I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer: 4+4. T3bN1M0 - Aged 55. I have been on hormone treatment for just over over 4 months (2 injections so far) and my PSA has gone down from 67 to 0.95
Oncologist No1 recommended radiotherapy as the next steps. (This based on the initial MRI, biopsy and bone scan).
Oncologist No2 recommended chemotherapy as the next step and radiotherapy thereafter. (After an additional PSMA Pet/Ct scan). The Chemotherapy recommended is using Docetaxel this based on initial findings of the Stampede trial.
Clearly both approaches are valid. Oncologist No2 felt that owing to the fact that my cancer was very extensive it was less likely that it was only contained to the pelvic area (we know it is locally extensive and is not just contained to the prostate), and therefore Chemotherapy would be a good option. Oncologist No1 agreed that there was some merit in this approach. With both oncologists in agreement I have decided to go down this path.
I have been trying to locate a global (or UK only) database that contains details of people who have been on this journey before and how it has gone.? Within oncology there seems to be many options one can take and I do appreciate that every individual is different.
It seems to me trials are very closely monitored and documented. I also understand that there is a “red flag” system for problems which have arisen based on drugs which have been approved by the authorities. What i can’t find is results/outcomes from patients not on trials.
What I would like to understand is:
Do we have a centralised government controlled IT database that contains information regarding outcomes of patients going down a particular path and if not why not? After all the majority of patients are not part of trials but are following recommendations from their oncologists.
I suppose what I am suggesting is for my medical information (but without my personal details) to be made available to those that decide to take the same journey that I am on, so that they can decide if they want to do the same and that centrally this information can be reviewed/analysed so that we can learn what works the best for the majority.
Any thoughts .. and if this is already in place please can you send me the link!