hi alice.
welcome. I would ask and keep note of exact psa value. I 'assume' Peter is having 6 monthly tests. although I can't see on bio 2017. 2018 values.
see my profile. I'm on PSA tracker and everyone parameters.. etc and test results pre or post will have been populated. . my consultant would have set a trigger value for me. in my case he set at 0.06. as needing review. however I would want to take control before this . as unless it was a rogue reading. I would want to see the trend. ie currently mine at 0.02 .
I did query at our GP practice. terminology. As they used the term satisfactory when I had <0.01. when I rang in for blood results. The GP was more concerned my cholesterol was slightly raised at 5.5 .. and wanted to chat about that. beggars belief in many ways how some GPs don't appreciate the enormity and impact of those PSA results.
They were quite helpful in it seems their system flags all bloods as 'binary' . ie satisfactory or needing investigation/action.
Does your GP practice not offer you online access to summary records ?
I know their are disparate medical databases . all correspondence from hospital . etc should be sent hardcopy. email . digital to your GP practice. Please don't assume anything and keep on top of everything.
all the very best
posted before reading Lynn.
agree. key point is PSA actual value and that impact to you and your family. PSA post treatment has a totally different 'weight' .
Edited by member 28 Apr 2019 at 11:29
| Reason: typo. added ps