My husband was diagnosed last Aug Metastatic advanced PC, Gl 9 PSA 310. Hot spots on spine (2 at bottom, and one on pelvic floor), also 1 Lymph node involved Started Chemo straight away,6 cycles and got through it really well. Also on Lupron inj every 3 months. PSA went down to 1.5 by end of treatment.
Told we were doing 6 cycles of EBRT that starts in 2wks time, we know its uncurable, they have told us that at the begining, so its classed as palliative treatment (lovely term)
My husband is 62yrs, quite fit, only reason we found out was pain in one side of stomach, so had a stent fitted, as it was the LN pressing on a kidney.that has since been removed because the chemo has worked well (so we have been told). When we saw our OnCol at the end of March the PSA had gone up from 1.5 to 2.00 (its never been below 1.5) and im now anxious , does anyone on this site know what it should be for a man with prostrate still intact, I know that if it keeps raising its trouble, but 2.00 still seems high, the OnCol said he wasnt concerned, what will it need to go up till before they intervein ? Is it if it starts to Double every time when have a blood test (every 3 months)