If I converted correctly to the units we use here, that's 22.2mmol/L.
This level would normally be considered too high and needs attention, so go and get seen by his doctor. He might be prescribed metformin, but I don't know over what range that is effective.
By the way, blood glucose readings are usually only useful if you also give how long ago the person last eat a meal, although this level is too high in all circumstances.
For people on a palliative care path, care givers will often let blood sugar get way higher than normal, depending on the level and how long the person has left, because they aren't going to live long enough for the high sugar to do them harm, and diabetics get to eat all sorts of things they haven't been allowed to for decades, but I've no idea what levels and length of time they consider OK for this.
However, like I said before when you brought up blood sugar levels, this isn't a diabetes forum, few people here will have detailed knowledge of it (mine is limited), and if I have given you wrong advice, it could be that no one else flags it up.