We are new as husband was diagnosed in November 2018 with advanced prostate cancer that had spread to the pelvic region, possibly in the lymph nodes but not to the bones
Initial PSA was 296. But with HT and chemo (Docetaxel - currently had 5 out of 6 sessions) PSA now down to 8
We visited the oncologist this week and were told that radiotherapy was advised but that is wasn't funded by the NHS. We were told that a stampede trial was conducted and he results were published in October 2018 but that as of yet, the NHS have not approved the treatment approach. My husband was told that he was the ideal candidate and it could help prolong his life. we were then asked if we had private medical insurance ( which we don't as we retired last year and it ceased on our retirement). He then went on to ask 'how are your finances' as it will cost in the region of £10k!!
To say we were shocked and not expecting that conversation when going for a routine appointment, is an understatement.
I'm trying to get advice before we start paying for this treatment
We were basically told that he has to have this, so we feel that we have no choice as we obviously want to do all we can.
Looking for advice PLEASE as to where we go from here.....its distressing enough having to deal with the diagnosis and the effects of living with the disease, but this has come as a whack in the face and we don't know where to turn. we tried the Macmillan nurse but she just left a message saying she is on holiday so cant talk to us until next week and time is ticking away because the oncologist said we need to sign papers in early June after my husbands next chemo session.
Any help or advice would be most appreciated. Thanks