Hi everyone
My husband Sean (age 53) was diagnosed with advance PC with mets to the bones and liver in December 17. 6 rounds of docetaxol and continued Zoladex every 3 months. PSA dropped to 3 at the end of his chemo in June 18.
It rose back up to 29 by Jan 19 and he went back on chemo, this time Cabazitaxel, and he is having 10 rounds of this. He's just completed his seventh round and the latest PSA test has come back at 31, after being 29, then down to 19.
Obviously we are both really concerned about this. We don't see the consultant for another few weeks. I know this isn't a good sign in terms of his cancer progression, I just wondered if anyone had experienced similar.
It's so difficult to deal with isn't it? I feel like I don't know what to do with myself other than trying to remain positive and calm. He is very calm on the surface, but I'm unsure what he is feeling inside.
Elaine x