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Another family member

Posted 25 Jun 2019 at 20:53

Hi.i have.t been on here for  while since my husband died at the age of 57 last year.

On Saturday my husband's uncle.his mums brother has now died of prostrate cancer.

He wasn.t having any symptoms just saw a mobile van one day doing tests so he thought he would have one.

It showed prostrate cancer contained within the prostrate so he had the op to remove it.few months later found out it had spread so started chemo.i think he had about 6 sessions before he said he down.t want anymore as he was in so much pain.he died few days later.age 72

We have been thinking if he had not gone for test would he still be here as he was okay before.went through all this treatment and then this happens.my husband's father has had prostrate cancer for 10 years refused any treatment and is still with us today age 85 no symptoms.

It just makes me wonder.

Posted 25 Jun 2019 at 22:10
It is hard to know isn't it? My oh's Dad was only ill for a matter of weeks before he died at 86 and he couldn't take the side effects of the chemo which weakened him. He was still walking a good few miles every day right up to him finding out he had pc. My oh has had several treatments since an impulse urge to ask his GP for a blood test. He has had it now for nearly nine years but there have been quite a lot of unwanted side effects along the way. We will never know if he would have been the same as his Dad and lived with it for many years before it took a hold. We can only put our trust in the doctors.

I am deeply sorry you lost your husband at such a young age.

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