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Dark blood in my semen after biopsy template

Posted 29 Jun 2019 at 17:15

I had a template biopsy 2 weeks ago ,,all seems ok ,, some blood in in urine for  a while but clear now ,,

Thing is I have very dark blood / semen ,, after having sex twice now.

im told it’s Old Blood or maybe an infection .. im  showing no other symptoms ,,

has  anyone  experienced this ?  


Thank you 

Posted 29 Jun 2019 at 18:57

Hi Lenny,

You should have received an information leaflet, which says you may have blood in your semen for up to 6 weeks after a biopsy.

In the first few days it will be bright red, but just as with any blood stain or bruise, it goes dark red or brown after a few days as it oxidises (and that shows it's not new bleeding).

It took 3 weeks to go in my case, ejaculating daily (my consultant said don't hold back, although I waited 48 hours). May take longer if you do it less often.

So it's totally expected.


Posted 29 Jun 2019 at 19:06


thank you for that ,,, it’s just that the colour was almost black !!! ,,, I expected blood colour but not that !,,, was a bit frightening.

ive been too scared to have more sex because the colour has worried me & nobody said it could be they dark.

Big thanks again 👍




Posted 29 Jun 2019 at 19:22
Don’t worry about it. It’s completely normal and could last a couple of months. It’ll probably be the colour of brown sauce!

Posted 29 Jun 2019 at 19:34

If you'd done it in the first 3 days, it would be very bright red blood, quite alarming, and something the special effects team of Holby City or Casualty would have been very proud of. Leaving it until the blood has oxidised will result in something that's very dark, given how concentrated the blood is going to be first time. I don't think you have anything to worry about. If it disturbs you or your partner for sex (which would not be at all surprising), you could use a condom until it's flushed through, but although it looks gross, it's harmless. Try masturbating daily and it will probably flush out faster.

Posted 29 Jun 2019 at 19:45
Yes, keep on pumping!

I hope you have a positive (negative) result from your biopsy.

Best of luck.

Cheers, John.

Posted 29 Jun 2019 at 19:49

Thanks everyone 

very reassured..

i now know what the HP is for in  HPsauce 

Hurt Prostate 


Posted 29 Jun 2019 at 20:08

Best of luck with wherever  you all are on your journey through this 

I hope you all get the best outcome that’s possible 


Posted 28 Apr 2021 at 09:58
Hi guys. It took me ages to find this page (I'm in Australia). Yep, I'm getting black/purple after 2 weeks and all I could see in terms of advice was red/brown. I was given absolutely nothing from my Urologist after the procedure.

Very relieved to hear others are experiencing this and the advice to "keep on pumping".

Thanks lads!

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