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44yr old male worried sick

Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 10:15

Hi all

I am a 44 year old male in the UK that up till now i have always been relavely healthy. 

I am a long distance runner and about a year ago i noticed that sometimes when i had done a long run at the end of the run i would sometimes leak urine, not alot but i had to really fight to stop myself from weeing myself.  This did not happen everytime but occasionaly.

Anyways this has gone on for a while, and 2 weeks ago i went to a concert and i have to admit i had been drinking all day and i am not a massive drinker, well on the night while in a pub i started to leak and leaked quite a bit, again i fought so hard to stop myself from totally urintating myself.

I made an appointment with the dr and on saturday he DRE on me and said it was smooth etc and only very very slightly enlarged but normal for my age.

He has sent me for blood test and i go tomorrow (Friday) one of which is a PSA test.  i am worried out of my mind.  I have a few more symptoms:-

I tend to go to the toilet alot, (every 3 hours) although i do drink about 3 litres of water a day

Sometimes my urine flow is not strong, epsecially first we on a morning.  other times it seems ok.  The dr asked me if i could pee up a wall and i can (yes i did try) but not very high, but no way could i on my first wee of the day its very weak.

I am a born worrier and i am so so sorry if i am being disrespectful to anyone on here who has this disease but i dont know where else to go.  I can not get the feeling out of my head that i have cancer and i am so convinced that when i get bloods back next week i will have a hight PSA.

I guess what has freaked me out if the constant going to the toilet and then this morning a really weak flow (was fine after that again though)

So i guess what i am asking is

Do my symptoms sounds like prostate cancer?

I had a DRE on Saturday and having my bloods done tomorrow ( following Friday) is this to close? could i get a false higher number?

Does a weak flow once in a while indicate something nasty?

Also the leakage i get after long runs etc?

Sorry for the barrage of questions i am out of my mind




Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 11:17


You are doing absolutely the right thing by being checked out.

The most common symptom of prostate cancer (PCa) is...


Many of the symptoms you list can be signs of PCa, but in the majority of cases, they are something else, usually Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH), which is an enlarged prostate and is not cancer and is not life threatening and doesn't increase your chance of getting cancer.

The blood test is a bit close to the DRE, but do it anyway, and if it came back marginally high, ask for another one. Also, avoid cycling and ejaculation 2-3 days before the test - they also push the result up.

Do not worry about being disrespectful with your question. Nothing pleases the folks here more than seeing someone getting tested and finding they're free of PCa - we don't wish it on others, and are perfectly happy to answer any questions you have.

I think you just need to try and calm down until you get your result, and we all hope it's a nice low number. Let us know what happens.

One thing you might try is to measure how much you pee at a time into a measuring jug. This information may be useful next time you see the doctor. If you want to be really diligent, record the time, how badly you felt you needed to go, and the volume each time for a few days, and take this with you when you go back to see the doctor. You might be peeing frequently because your body is passing a lot of water through, or it might be because you get a premature urge to go, or it might be fear of leakage, or it might be you aren't fully emptying your bladder each time.

This is all useful information for the doctor (and urologist if they refer you) which you can collect before your next visit.

To test for completely emptying the bladder, after you finished peeing, wait there half a minute, and then try peeing again and see if there was more in there - this is called double voiding. If you find you can still pee more than a few drops second time, you should perform double voiding routinely, as it is important to empty your bladder every time you pee to reduce the risk of urinary infections. Sometimes, sitting on the loo for the second voiding works better than standing. Also, you might find if you sit to pee, you no longer need to double void to empty your bladder.

The other thing is that people with problems peeing will often get into a habit of peeing whenever they get the opportunity. This 'trains' the bladder into expecting not to get full, and causes you to feel you need to pee before the bladder gets full, and you find yourself having to pee more often, making the symptoms worse. Recovery from this is called bladder retraining, but you probably need to get the leakage fixed before you can embark on that.You could also look up pelvic floor exercises. These might help with leakage (depending on what the problem is).

Anyway, wishing you the best of luck with your PSA test and let us know how it works out. Ask any more questions that spring to mind too.

Edited by member 04 Jul 2019 at 11:20  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 11:41
Thank you so much for your reply.

I am really struggling with this at the moment, it is taking over my life. I do not handle this sort of stuff very well and over analyse everyhing.

I am finding it hard to urinate at the moment without needing to poop too, so as a result of this i cant really monitor my flow. I dont know why all of a sudden everytime i urinate i need to poop.

I am driving myself nuts !

Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 11:58

It sounds like you are really stressing yourself out with worry, which is feeding back into the problems.

Pooing and peeing should be relaxing, not stressful.

Try taking a book in with you to read, or browse your phone/social media whilst sitting on the loo to take your mind off it and help you relax, and it should come naturally. (Don't spend ages sitting on a loo seat though - that can cause other issues.)

Edited by member 04 Jul 2019 at 12:02  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 12:13

Good advice from Andy. I would just add that it could be helpful if you also monitored your intake of fluid too as far as possible as this will clearly have a bearing on how much urine you excrete. Also check it is not cloudy.. Many years before I had PCa I was passing water very frequently and a urologist fed a tube with a camera through my penis to check things out. It transpired in my case that I had a narrowed sphincter and was prescribed Tamsulosin Hydrochloride.. I also attended a clinic for bladder retraining and in addition to what Andy said was toldd to drink cranberry juice and avoid as far as possible fluids containing caffeine.

There are a number of possibilities why you are having this problem so suggest you have the tests and relax meantime.

Finally, of course drinking to excess or performing vigorous exercise when a bladder is quite full is likely to put excessive pressure on it but it is important to drink adequately to avoid urine becoming too strong quite apart from risk of dehydration.

Edited by member 04 Jul 2019 at 12:15  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 12:37
Thanks again i do appreciate all of these replies.

My urine is always clear, think it is due to the amount of water i drink during the day.

I am trying to relax, its just i have this awful feeling this psa number will be high

Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 12:45

Just another thought - ask the doctor for a blood glucose test or an HbA1C test too. If it's a nurse doing the blood test, she can probably do a blood glucose test on the spot, even if it's not booked. If the appointment is early morning, avoid eating or drinking (except water) before the test, as a fasting blood glucose test is more useful.

Edited by member 04 Jul 2019 at 12:50  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 12:48
Thanks, yes i am getting these tests as well, looking at the forms i am getting tests for everyhing..whar is is HbA1c test? i see it on my form but no idea what its for, my eyes keep going to the PSA one
Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 12:54

HbA1c test measures your blood glucose level averaged over last 3 months. It's a check for diabetes. Your comment about drinking and peeing a lot of water makes me think of untreated diabetes.

Edited by member 04 Jul 2019 at 12:55  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 13:03

ahh ok, i dont drink because i am thirsty, i drink to try to be healty!!

Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 17:20
All good advice given , I think you are a long long way from diagnosed with prostrate cancer , when I was diagnosed it helped immensely knowing personally mates who got it , to me it was not the end of the world , my consultant said ok , no one wants cancer BUT this is the one to have, we can do a lot with this form of cancer . Don’t worry and take advice from the professionals and don’t go to dr google stay on this site .
Posted 04 Jul 2019 at 23:20

see https://advinurology.com/surgery/uroflowmetry/

std test after my catheter was removed.

these are not symptoms of pca.

what is your flow rate ?

ie how long are you urinating ?

I totally agree re. andy. with all his suggestions. 

could you be over hydrating ? urine should be very pale yellow . not totally 'clear '

obviously the body needs more some days than others.

ie exercise. temp. humidity etc.  I drink plain tap water when I need it, not to any fixed schedule.  If urine looks strong , I drink more.


I can only hold about 350ml now.  Go about 6 times a day.

obviusly only pass a lot less than 350ml on some trips. 


as I'm sure you know over hydration is potentially very dangerous . 're long distance running.

if you are urinating every 3 hrs. surely you are not passing stool at same time.  

only logic could be you are actually pushing harder to empty bladder without realising it.  you possibly wouldn't anyway, if this has changed over a long time. This is then triggering an urge to empty rectum.   This would indicate possible BPH.  again get it all checked out with GP.


I would compile data etc and explain all to GP.   

There's a lot going on here. 

again I don't know the distances and regulatory of your running. 

are you drinking plain water or additives ?  

 what is your caffeine input?

hope this helps.


Edited by member 04 Jul 2019 at 23:37  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 09:25

Hi thanks for your reply 

I run 6 days a week and usually clock around 50 miles a week. Long run on a Saturday around 18 miles.

No I don't poop every time I go for a wee. Only just happened yesterday I think it's because I'm worrying. 

In a 24 hour period I went to the toilet for a wee 9 times which I think puts me over the threshold for frequency. 

I gernally go once during the night but for as long as I can remember I have been like this. 

I drink at work as I have a desk job and I tend to drink about 5 pints of water in a working day. I have a couple of cups of coffee but always de caf. Then on a night ill have another pint of juice with my evening meal.

During the day I tend to go around every 3 hours and as for the flow it just does not feel great. It is a steady stream but I just seem to recall it was better when I was younger. 

I tend to have urgency when I pass a toilet if that makes sense. If I am out I might not necessarily need to wee that bad but as soon as I come home I need to rush to the toilet and just get there in time.

Also for past year I have had a bad back every now and then. Right at the base on right hand side. I have put this down to running but I guess this could be a sign I have cancer and it's spreading? 

What does the pain feel like if it's prostate cancer related? 

Also one last thing.. Does the fact I have had a physical exam and was told that my prostate is only very slightly enlarged but nornal for my age mean that none of this can be caused by BPH? As its not enlarged enough to be giving me these issues. 

I have my blood tests in a hour but I'm already convinced I have something nasty going on here. 

Edited by member 05 Jul 2019 at 09:27  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 10:03

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I tend to have urgency when I pass a toilet if that makes sense. If I am out I might not necessarily need to wee that bad but as soon as I come home I need to rush to the toilet and just get there in time.

This is exactly what I described in my first post. Look at bladder retraining techniques.

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Does the fact I have had a physical exam and was told that my prostate is only very slightly enlarged but nornal for my age mean that none of this can be caused by BPH? As its not enlarged enough to be giving me these issues.

Prostate size cannot be determined by a DRE, beyond "bigger than normal" in some cases, but not reliably so. Mine felt normal in a DRE, but was actually over 3 times normal volume on a scan. This doesn't rule out BPH.

Edited by member 05 Jul 2019 at 10:03  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 10:39

Well that's bloods done so now I'm just waiting.. 

Regarding how long it takes me to urinate I go straight away but can sometimes wee for about 20 to 30 seconds before I am finished 

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 11:51

Sorry to be a pain. 

Quick update 

Just been to toilet and did just under 500ml In 20 seconds.

Not sure what that means but that's what I did 

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 12:41

That's an average of 25ml/sec, which is extremely good, assuming you weren't forcing it out. Peak flow rate (which is more interesting, and tends to be the figure urology uses) would have been higher still, and that's even better. This would suggest you certainly don't have any permanent obstruction/stricture. The sphincters and prostate (which is a muscular organ) might exert pressure on the urethra if your flow is slower at other times - it's quite common to find you can pee fast sometimes, but not other times, as you get older.

Typical bladder capacity is 400-600ml, although you didn't say if you thought your bladder was full.

Interesting bit of information:
Most adult mammals, regardless of size, empty their bladders in 22 seconds, something that's remarkably constant across all species.

You aren't being a pain. You are asking a set of very good questions, the answers for which will also be a useful reference for others searching on similar issues, who might be less inclined to ask in the first place.

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 12:52

Thanks again for your help.

I don't think I was forcing it out but I guess I could have been as I was trying to be fast. 

Guess I'll have to do it again 

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 19:25

Not so good this time did 600ml in 40 seconds

That no where near the speed as before 

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 19:50

hi Chris

interesting. you are obviously very fit.   doesnt seem much wrong at all.   At least you will have a PSA baseline.  whatever the value.  

May I ask what time are you getting up at night for wee ?  At 44 this seems something not I would expect ?   how long has this being going on ?

This surely disrupts deep sleep .  rest etc.

Are you very active and drinking a lot post 9pm.?   

I wouldn't expect to get up during my 8 hr sleep and none of our 3 kids did after about 3 to 4 yrs old.. 

600ml is good bladder volume.  have you tried to hold more tho ugh? 



Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 19:56

Hi Gordon 

It varies last night for example I woke up about 3pm after going to bed around 10pm. Then went at 6.45pm when alarm went off.

I have been like this for as long as I can remember. 

I generally don't do anything after 8 pm but I do usually have my evening meal at this time with a pimt of juice. 

Some nights I can go without getting up though 

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 20:11

Now I'm freaking out about going during the night 😭

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 20:18

I do have bottles of juice on my bed side cabinet and do drink while watching TV in bed.. Could this be the reason I get up during the night? 

Is it a really bad sign that I get up once during the night? 

Posted 05 Jul 2019 at 23:48

Your kidneys slow down urine production overnight, to avoid waking you for a pee, and on the basis they don't expect you to drink excessively overnight anyway. You are probably overwhelming this mechanism with the amount you are drinking. This mechanism does start becoming less effective with age too, but not normally until 55 or later.

Unless you are actually thirsty and dehydrated, you should probably avoid drinking for last couple of hours before going to bed, and empty your bladder just before going to bed. Drinking a lot when your kidneys are being told to slow down will probably be raising your blood pressure overnight, which isn't good either. Drinking fruit juice overnight is probably also a bad idea. Your teeth will remain in contact with the acid and sugar for long time.

I think most likely you are a hypochondriac and overhydrating (at least I'm hoping so).

Posted 06 Jul 2019 at 07:00

Thanks again for all the comments. This really is helpful 

This was my toilet breakdown from yesterday 

  • 8.45 am

  • 11.45 am

  • 1.45 pm

  • 3.45 pm

  • 7.20 pm

  • 4.30 am

  • 6.40 am (didn't really need to go but empty bladder before I go for long run)

Yesterday I was off work so stayed home and I tend to go more if I sit and think about it.


Posted 06 Jul 2019 at 10:56

I am sure that your all getting sick of me by now again I apologise for constant questions. My mind is racing away with me and instead of googling I prefer to ask on here. 

What does the pain feel like when the cancer spreads to your bones? I have had a bad bottom of back pain come and go for months now and also a stiff neck too. I have always put this down to the running but now I'm thinking it could be more. 

However surely if it had spread to bones I'd not be able to run 16 miles in 2 hours like I did this morning? 

Sorry again 

Posted 06 Jul 2019 at 12:37


You are going through a proper diagnosis path. It really serves no purpose to wonder if every pain you have is due to PCa, since we can't tell you for sure, and you'll just carry on working yourself up. Most people develop pains as they get older. Most people don't have prostate cancer. Wait until you get your results.

For what it's worth, I had some lower back pain when diagnosed. The MRI scan showed it was due to a dehydrated disk, probably due to running down staircases 2 steps at a time for the last 40 years, something I'm try hard to stop doing now.

Posted 06 Jul 2019 at 13:01

You're right I'm sorry 

Posted 07 Jul 2019 at 19:13
Has anyone seen the study on the relationship between male pattern blandness in men v the chances of getting prostate cancer?

I have been losing my hair since I was 20 and this seems to put me at a higher risk of having or getting the disease.

It seems to suggest that there is about a 20 year delay in losing your hair and the onsett of the disease.

Another thing going against me it seems.

Posted 09 Jul 2019 at 19:37
Hi all

Ok so went back to the Dr's today for my results.

Basically everything has come back normal. I asked about my PSA number and he said it was very normal, cant remeber the exact number but was something like 0.36. He said this coupled with a normal DSE means he is very confident i dont have cancer.

I got my self so worked up that i didnt take much of it in, he said he thinks i have over active bladder and has given me leaflets etc on how to control this myself before he will go down the medicarion route.

The only thing nagging at me when i got home was should i have asked about getting a repeat PSA in 6 months...but i kind of get the feeling he would have said no as he was quite adamant i had nothing serious going on.

Anyway i just had to come back and tell you all, as you have all been amazing on here with you're help and advice.

Posted 09 Jul 2019 at 19:55


By the way, it's good to keep a record of your PSA values, so I would ask for the exact value (you can probably get it by phoning reception). Indeed, I keep a copy of all my test results.

6 monthly PSA tests for someone with the value you have is way too often. I would suggest 2 years min before next one, and maybe even 3-4 years. If you are having a blood test for something else, just ask for it to be added on - the path lab cost to the NHS is about £2 ignoring the cost of collection, transport, reporting, etc which is already borne by whatever other blood test you are having.

I suspect if you'd told him about your water intake, he might have diagnosed over-hydration rather than over active bladder ;-)

Posted 09 Jul 2019 at 20:03


I did mention about the water intake, and you are right he did say that was way to much too, he said it has to go somewhere.

I will get my PSA value as my records will be updated online soon.  They just take a while to go online for some reason.

Thanks again for all you're help

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