Hi Mate
You're more mature and and inclined to see the better in people than I am. My experience has left me quite bitter, not to the extent that I particularly blame those in charge of my Father's care for his suffering and passing, but there was a real lack of attention to detail, the feeling that he was just a number to them and at times, they were downright neglectful.
I understand your comment about feeling as though your on some kind of conveyor belt. You'd think there'd be some better communication between departments/hospitals/professionals etc. which might ensure a better flow of information and a more united approach to how all the different practioners etc. receive and progress you as a patient. As you say, why were you offered curative surgery when in fact, it seems you were beyond that to begin with? Surgery is very invasive, had you known it wasn't going to cure it, you may have reconsidered. Why has the Gleason changed from biopsy to surgery? What's the point in a biopsy if they never trust it? They're dangerous, why is just standard protocol to have one if they're not deemed accurate? I digress, my cyncacism often comes out....
With regards to your current pain, did you ever have a bone imaging scan? It's common for prostate cancer to spread to the pelvis and spine, if this is new pain then I'd guess the Radium is tageting the activity on these areas? Is the pain exacertabed then you move? My dad suffered a fractured femur and his hip had essentially caved in which caused him a lot of pain, perhaps you've got a fracture somewhere? Hopefully you'll get some more informed answers at your next consulation. It might be a good idea to have an xray on your pelvis.
I think the hospice may advise you to take stronger opiates than Codeine. You then question the benefits/cons of opiates vs the pain your currently experencing. Are there any other medications you can take to limit the negative side effects of opiates e.g. anti sickness to combat nausea, dare I mention Dexamethasone so combat fatigue etc... These will all come their own side effects as you're probably aware, you'll have to decide which route is most comfortable for you.
I'm a complete stranger to you, but I'm rooting for you here. If there's anything you think I might be able to help you with, feel free to ask, I'll help however I can.
Edited by member 27 Jul 2020 at 11:30
| Reason: Not specified