Hello all,
I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in May 2010 and was treated with Zoladex injections every week until March 2016, with a 'bout' of radio-therapy in Mar-May 2014. Since then, I have been discharged from the care of my oncologist and my PSA levels are monitored on a six monthly basis via my GP. All has been well...and for this I am very, very grateful.
I have a colleague who had thinning hair but I noticed recently that much of this had re-grown! When I asked him how this had happened, he said he had been taking Finasteride @ 12-15 months ago. As I have the same problem, I wondered if such a treatment would work for me BUT when I looked into this (online), it seems that this is NOT recommended for men who have had prostate cancer. Does anyone know the reason for this???
Thanks - Dave Evans