Hi Garry
Consultant doesn't have enough info ! Can you ask him next time on what basis has he made those statements ?
What assay/ Dec places are your PSA blood been provided ? PSA 'half life' (each person will have differing rates anyway) - at 4 weeks (did you have an 'early' PSA test then ?) may not be 0.01 or lower anyway.
You need a test at 6 weeks (or thereabouts) and this hopefully should be as low as possible (ie * 0.05 or lower ) as I'm sure you will have been told. If you see some recent posts on here, some 'post RP' values have been quite high.
It could be 12 weeks (ie 3 months) where you (and your consultant) hopefully sees a value of 0.01 or lower (it might be < 0.1 or undetectable) Maybe he's seen your PSA bloods already and they are undetectable, and therefore great news, which he should have explained clearly and not confused.