Still sweat just as much, particularly arm pits, but it has no smell whatsoever.
I discovered this by accident. Going through my pile of worn T-shirts, doing the sniff test and checking for visible dirt, to decide if they can be worn again or need washing. After around 4 weeks, it dawned on me none of them had been directed to the washing pile. I tried not using deodorant which would normally be completely unacceptable for me (I can't stand the smell of bad BO, particularly mine), and it made no difference. I then tried an experiment - wore a T-shirt for about 5 days, day and night, and whilst cycling - it got soaked in sweat several times. Gave it to my sister-in-law to check, and she confirmed no smell. Up to that point, it could have been I'd lost my sense of smell for my own BO, but that wasn't it, and I can still smell other peoples' BO.
It was 13 weeks into using bicalutamide when I noticed this. It would have happened sooner, but it wasn't a side effect I'd ever heard of before, so I wasn't looking out for it. It has continued since I switched to Zoladex.
It's not surprising if you think about it. BO appears at puberty when your sweat glands start producing nutrients for bacteria.
On the RT front, 3 weeks in, and I can't see any mark or change on my skin where the RT beam enters/leaves. On the two very hot days, I did put factor 30 in a band around there, as the sun was probably powerful enough to get a reasonable amount through a T-shirt. Our advice was to avoid fancy and scented soaps/products and any additives to bath water, to avoid prolonged soaking, and to bath/shower in cooler water than you normally do. For now, I've stuck with Dove bodywash which is what I've used for years and is not scented. Avoid swimming (prolonged soaking and chlorine in the case of swimming pools).
Edited by member 27 Jul 2019 at 09:02
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