Your brain is relearning bladder control. When a toddler is being potty trained, they may make progress really quickly because they can feel when they are starting to wee, stop themselves until they get to the potty and then start again. All goes well unless they are tired or engrossed in an activity, in which case their brain doesn’t notice the message until their pants are wet. Toilet training is about progressing from conscious control to subconscious control and finally unconscious or involuntary control.
You are in a similar situation - early warning signs, and therefore control, are relatively easy to achieve when you are refreshed and not concentrating on anything else. Men often find they are dry in the morning but struggle more as the day goes on. As you start to be more active and your brain is processing information and making decisions, etc it is hard to also receive all the messages from the bladder. The equivalent of my little grandson (who has been in pants for a year) sitting in a wet patch on my new sofa because he was so involved in PJ masks!
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Thanks Lynn
should I be drinking more fluids as I never was much of a fluid intaker my urine is always straw coloured does drinking more expand the bladder ? And help with training ?