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undetectable PSA

Posted 05 Aug 2019 at 13:40

Hi We have just returned from hospital visit. Spoke to our oncology nurse who gave us results after 20 days radiology and 4/ 3month prostape injections my PSA is undetectable 🙂 I still have hot sweats fatigue and tiredness but this will reduce over 9 months. I will be happy to share my experience.

Posted 05 Aug 2019 at 18:07


It's difficult to work out your timeline from your post. It would be good to put your PSA test results and other tests with dates in your bio, and your treatment dates.

It sounds like you just finished your prostap. You still have a prostate with working cells which will generate PSA as the effect of the prostap wears off, so it's totally expected that your PSA will rise. If it's zero now (referred to as your post-RT nadir), you hope it stays below 2 in the future, which would be considered a successful treatment.

Posted 09 Aug 2019 at 17:12

Hi Andy 62

Biopsy  August 2018 CT scan  6th Sept 2018 whole body bone scan 10th Sept 2018 Results 13thSept 2018

Gleeson score 4x3 = 7 Given choice of Surgery or Radiotherapy  Had 1st 3month prostape injection 25/9/2018

Had CT scan 7/12/2018 Radiotherapy start date2/1/2019 Monday to Friday weekly until 29/1/2019

Last 3month prostape in 12/7/2019 hooray

Had meeting with member of urology team result of blood test PSA undetectable 5/8/2019 

Posted 14 Aug 2019 at 17:07
Sounds like an incredibly fast turnaround Dave, well done indeed. I was wondering what was your starting PSA?
Posted 03 Sep 2019 at 17:40

Hi Stew

My initial PSA 5.9 having talked to 5 friends and then booked a blood test with my GP who rang me on Saturday afternoon to let me know she had booked a 9am Monday appointment with urology dept at hospital.

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