Hi Everyone
I am looking for recommendations and some advice please.
Dad is due to go on holiday soon (for a month) and has been looking at Travel Insurance and the results are eye watering ranging from £644-£2400. Last year he had no trouble as he hadn't undergone treatment.
He has now had a prostatectomy (October 2018) which unfortunately was unsuccessful. His PSA 6 weeks post op was 8. After all scans to see were the cancer could be they drew a blank, they couldn't detect anything. However, with a PSA that high he was told that he will have cells in several places to make the reading that high rather than in one place so radiotherapy was out. He was commenced on ADT and his PSA is now down to 0.02.
He is unsure of what to tick for the question when was your last treatment as it seems to be referring to chemo etc rather than ADT. Does he tick the box stating he is receiving treatment to keep him comfortable rather than for curative reasons? when he did it took him to further questions asking about terminal illness. Dad hasn't been told he's terminal.
It's so confusing, sorry if you have found my ramblings confusing ;)
Suzi x