Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
I think if you are still leaking 3 years post-op it is time to see a specialist - have you had a referral to a continence clinic for assessment or been back to see the urologist who did your op?
I was, I suppose too accepting of the whole "You've got Cancer" thing from the start.
I didn't ask questions, just followed the path of Surgery, Radiotherapy, Hormones.
I was aware of PSA 14.7 Gleason 9. Apart from that, nothing.
Other members of this forum quote all kinds of other figures that are meaningless to me.
I've never been referred to anybody, continence, sexual etc.
I just return every 6 months for a PSA check.
"You're still below .02, we'll see you in 6 months".
"You still leaking"?
"Anything like an erection?
"Ah well......See you in 6 months".
I can afford the Tena pads and just accept this is how I am.
I've been through enough surgeries in my life (Motorcyclist) that I don't care for any more.
Vacuum pumps, implants, Viagra? I'd rather have fond memories of "normal" sex.
You stated that even with the best surgeons a man can be left with permanent incontinence.
I didn't realise that, I thought I'd been lax with my exercises or doing them wrong.
Ah well......I accept I'll probably just leak a bit for the rest of my life.
On the bright side, I've given up Motorcycling for fear of a massive leak pulling a 'bike onto its centre-stand.
That may extend my life far beyond what I expected.