Thank you Lyn that's very kind of you to reply. But to give more (very tedious) detail - I was diagnosed with Pca 3+4 last year after my first PSA test at 59 years - 7.4. Went immediately to urologist and had 3T MRI and biopsy and bone biopsy. There was no evidence of spread - Had a robotic prostatectomy. Post prostatectomy pathology confirmed Gleason 3+4 T2+, no surgical margins but the plus being because of a 1mm incision. No lymph node involvement only 1 lymph node removed though. PSA results were quarterly 0.09 (3 months after surgery),<0.03, 0.14, 0.10 then I went to see the oncologist, and she did a repeat PSA a month later at 0.13. Next step was a PSMA PET scan - clear, apart from some tiny subchondral activity in the pelvic iliac bone thought not to be PCa related. I had an MRI scan which was inconclusive, thought not to be metastatic but with a repeat MRI due next month which will (hopefully) confirm this since then I have been on Bicalutemide and PSA went down to 0.06 then 0.050, and I have just today switched to the injections to bring the PSA down further. The plan is that assuming the iliac is not a met, I will have salvage radiotherapy to the prostate bed and lymph nodes, and if it is a met (disaster) to the iliac, the prostate bed and (protectively) the pelvic lymph nodes. Basically waiting for repeat MRI. Hard to get my head around this as just fall within the definition of biochemical recurrence with a persistent PSA above 0.1, although the urologist surgeon wanted to wait and see if the PSA rose consecutively or above 0.2 before initiating scans etc. I dont know whats going to happen but whatever it is it doesn't sound great. Trying to keep my head above water.