Hi all.
My dad is 54, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer Gleason scale 9 at 50 years old. He didn’t have any symptoms and was picked up a routine PSA check.
Initially treated with radiotherapy and brachytherapy, hormone treatment with a query rib metastasis but never confirmed.
Slow rise of PSA was then investigated with a PSMA pet scan which highlighted some pelvic lymph nodes. Treated with biculdamide then abiriterone then low dose dexamethasone with no luck.
Over time increased uptake in the bones particularly in the cervical neck area which required radiotherapy, increase of rib metastasis and lymph node disease in pelvis and sternum.
Started docetaxel chemotherapy this january. Chemotherapy has just been stopped in 2-3 weeks ago as too poorly to continue and CT scan shows new liver lesion.
This week dad was rushed into hospital query spinal cord compression due to excruciating pain, cord compression ruled out with MRI scan but it does show extensive disease spread throughout the spine. MRI report states whole skeleton infiltration. They are doing further tests to see how extensive disease has spread elsewhere.
I know that some people do not like to have a time frame but I am having an internal battle with myself over how long we have left ?? Please can anyone advise and how things have been for them personally.
Palliative care team have been involved and they have put a DNAR in place. Depending on outstanding tests results they will see what they can offer treatment wise.
When things got this bad are we talking weeks, months ???
Thank you