Hi 1138,
You have evidently taken your cancer diagnosis to heart, and worn out Google with searches about it, as we all did.
There are many, many, types of cancer - I would have to Google them to say how many - but PCa is about the least worst one you can have. Some say a Gleason 3+3=6 should not even be called cancer at all. Some critical illness insurers will not pay out on that diagnosis as it ‘is not life threatening’.
Lucky old you, to go to a two-hour presentation on prostatectomy. My surgeon has a You Tube video of one of his operations - I watched a few minutes of it - I find Dr People Popper more engaging and less personal!
I don’t think you are in England, so I don’t know if they mentioned this in the video presentation - my own post-operative side-effects at the robotic hands of one of the top surgeons in Europe are:
Complete erectile dysfunction
Very muted orgasms of a different kind
Total continence except when very drunk on a gallon of beer or more
But best of all, cancer free!
Do consider the above points before embarking on anything radical, and mine may be best case scenarios.
Keep calm and carry on.
Cheers, John