Hiya Sam, Yes I have been following you and all other LDR cases that I could possible help with by offering my own experience and
PSA meanderings. You can click on my profile for a bit of information but I think to run you through my treatment path will be helpful.
I am rapidly approaching my 79th birthday and have complete faith in my very talented Urology Professor
My LDR procedure took place in Bart's at the Royal London on 20th April 2010 ,13 years ago next month. My lowest PSA reading
ever was 1.0(Nadir) back in November 2012. During the post procedure years my PSA has slowly, very slowly, meandered up and down and currently sits at 3.3, down from 3.8 in October 2022. For the past 3 maybe 4 years my Professor of Urology, a lovely man,
and I have agreed that no further scan or biopsy will be considered until PSA has breached 5.0. I have regular PSA blood tests and
never take my eye off the ball(Needle). The doubling of my PSA from 1.6 in March 2012 to now has taken 11 years.
I continue to play Golf 3 times every week and ride a mountain bike 2 times each week for an hour or so. This is not an admiration seeking exercise but an encouragement to all LDR patients and to those considering LDR as a treatment.
I would be very happy to offer any further details of my experiences. I continue to keep in touch with other men who over the years
have been interested in my opinions via this website. I drift in and out of prostatecancer.uk most days.
Best wishes