Hi Lyneyre
Thanks for the reply, Dad only had one testicle removed back in March as first thought was testicular cancer and I have the consultants letter that at that time the prostate felt ok then after further investigation he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in May then he started the hormone therapy but has only had the one type as far as I am aware apologies I will find out which one it is.
We are just so shocked about the whole 3 months prognosis with no treatment when a) it hasn’t spread to bones or lymph nodes b) Dad feels the same as he always does, I’ve also been reading other men’s stories and with higher PSA levels than my Dads and are still with us 5 years plus it just doesn’t make any sense to me, has the Doctor got it wrong I know they can’t play god but anyone I have spoken to since that has a medical background seems to think that’s awfully harsh of him to say that, I spoke to one of the lovely specialist nurses and she was also bemused that the doctor had said that as there are other options way before it’s his time :(
thanks for the advice about the PSMA scan, DR did say by looking at the MRI it hasn’t spread so he wanted the PSMA scan to be sure so I did think that was strange he wanted him to have this scan.
his treatment was supposed to start in 3-4 weeks and that was just over 2 weeks ago we saw the consultant but he is still waiting for the PSMA, the consultants secretary got back to me yesterday and advised DR wasn’t happy Dad is having to wait so long and she has got onto the scanner centre now too so fingers crossed we may hear something next week then Dads treatment can start the following week they mentioned Taxitere (unsure of spelling) or Platinum chemo.