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Bone Scan Warnings

Posted 31 Oct 2019 at 16:08

Had the scan done, given injection of radioactivity at 10.30 scan at 2 and told to drink plenty I hope not to be glowing in the dark tonight. All went well but got no indication of outcome. Because I drank a lot I also peed a lot.
However I went to the toilet in Nuclear Medicine to see a sign saying men sit down please as any they didn't want radioactive splashes. Lol another one saying don’t put paper down the toilet either.
At the end of my scan which they do with me (and them) fully clothed minus watches, glasses belts and phones but hearing aids ok, the radiographer returned to say this was quite common but there was radioactivity on my trousers. Blush ... so had to get em off and get the nether regions redone. 
The leaflet made no mention of this fact and we didn't hold an inquest, but wife has started .. lol.  Bathroom deep clean expected.
I might suggest they mention it in the leaflet and or just ask you to wear a gown then this wouldn't arise. 
Hope this fact doesn't go in my case notes or affect my diagnosis. Lol

You have been warned.


Posted 31 Oct 2019 at 16:08

Had the scan done, given injection of radioactivity at 10.30 scan at 2 and told to drink plenty I hope not to be glowing in the dark tonight. All went well but got no indication of outcome. Because I drank a lot I also peed a lot.
However I went to the toilet in Nuclear Medicine to see a sign saying men sit down please as any they didn't want radioactive splashes. Lol another one saying don’t put paper down the toilet either.
At the end of my scan which they do with me (and them) fully clothed minus watches, glasses belts and phones but hearing aids ok, the radiographer returned to say this was quite common but there was radioactivity on my trousers. Blush ... so had to get em off and get the nether regions redone. 
The leaflet made no mention of this fact and we didn't hold an inquest, but wife has started .. lol.  Bathroom deep clean expected.
I might suggest they mention it in the leaflet and or just ask you to wear a gown then this wouldn't arise. 
Hope this fact doesn't go in my case notes or affect my diagnosis. Lol

You have been warned.


Posted 31 Oct 2019 at 17:21
I had a bone scan yesterday also with all the same warnings on the loo etc. Also advice on not being in close contact with kids under 5 or pregnant women etc

It clearly stated on the appointment letter that if I had any incontinence issues then I should contact them prior to scan date - probably because of the issues you had !

Also important to empty your bladder just prior to scan to remove all the dye from pelvis area. I also had a full body CT yesterday , so 7 hrs in hospital overall. Feel a bit rough today with all the dyes and contrasts and radiation. I’ve had 7 full body CT’s now which is the equivalent to 49 yrs natural radiation , so looks like I may get a secondary cancer anyway ........

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Posted 31 Oct 2019 at 17:21
I had a bone scan yesterday also with all the same warnings on the loo etc. Also advice on not being in close contact with kids under 5 or pregnant women etc

It clearly stated on the appointment letter that if I had any incontinence issues then I should contact them prior to scan date - probably because of the issues you had !

Also important to empty your bladder just prior to scan to remove all the dye from pelvis area. I also had a full body CT yesterday , so 7 hrs in hospital overall. Feel a bit rough today with all the dyes and contrasts and radiation. I’ve had 7 full body CT’s now which is the equivalent to 49 yrs natural radiation , so looks like I may get a secondary cancer anyway ........

Posted 31 Oct 2019 at 18:07
Thanks Chris

Yes I got those warnings, but no age for children and how long after the injection this continues are not clear. I told my wife I would have to avoid them permanently!! As Tc Technetium has a 6 hour half life the levels will fall to 1/8 original dose after 24 hours, 1/64 after 48 and 1/512 after 72 hours and 1/4096 after 96. That should do it.

To preserve some dignity here I wasn’t and am not incontinent just either had splash backs from standing at the toilet at home (I’m over 6 ft tall so plenty of splashes at the best of times) or maybe a slight a dribble after recent TRUS - we didn’t get down to details lol.

My leaflet just suggested if I was incontinent to take a spare pad, but I don’t use or have them. No splash or dribble warnings.

I didn’t have to empty my bladder though I actually did just before being called, so maybe I wasn’t asked to go again 1 minute later.

I had my CT yesterday with no problems from contrast media. Only took 40 mins. I live near hospital so could go home for 3 hours after the injection today.

Are they investigating you or monitoring your condition. How often do you have these? I like lemonade.

Posted 31 Oct 2019 at 18:12
CT contrast marker always makes me feel extremely nauseous. I'm having an abdominal CT scan every six months at the moment due to my kidney surgery. Apparently when it's soft tissue that's of interest they have to use a high dose of iodine marker to make it show up.


Posted 31 Oct 2019 at 18:21

To repeat: On one of of those reality TV shows about customs and immigration in America, a Kuwaiti woman arrived in NY and and geiger counters detected a high level of radioactivity.

The airport was cleared fearing a dirty-bomb Arab terrorist attack. Her bags, suitcases, and clothes were all tested for radioactivity, checked and x-rayed and only after a major panic did she tell them she had had a bone scan in Kuwait the day before! 😂

Cheers, John.

Edited by member 01 Nov 2019 at 01:11  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 31 Oct 2019 at 20:35
Chris I understand hope things are going well



The Glasgow leaflet mentions that risk and says to take your clinic letter.

Posted 01 Nov 2019 at 08:13
I am having six monthly full CT and bone scans , having had failed surgery ( lymph spread and positive margins ) and because I’ve not accepted SRT at all based on them projecting it wouldn’t be curative. I’ve decided QOL all the way until they A) actually see something or B ) I fall ill.

But psa is massive now so looks like my luck may have ran out. This time I got a massive tummy ache immediately after the hot CT contrast and walked to my bone scan feeling quite poorly

Posted 01 Nov 2019 at 09:34

A few weeks ago at a support group meeting, I ran a geiger counter across the abdomen of a chap who had seed brachy 6 months before. It was quite dramatic, although not at a level of much concern. I wasn't sure how much radiation would make it out of the body until I tried that. I'm keeping an eye out for someone who's had seed brachy more recently to demonstrate it on, as at 6 months out, it will be down to 1/4 of the original radiation rate.

Posted 01 Nov 2019 at 10:18
I was going to ask here which radioactive isotope is used for these seeds, but after an intensive Google search (more than two clicks), I discovered it is Iodine-125, with a half-life of sixty days.

Cheers, John.

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