So here we are Day 5 after RP. All things being equal, I'm doing OK. Managed to fend off the cold I had mostly as well.
Pain is managed well, bowels open day 2 - though still plenty of wind! Drinking plenty, and monitoring colour in the bag - the very odd fleck of blood, but that's about it.
Keeping mobile, but not overdoing it. My fantastic wife is a nurse and is (rightly so) ensuring I keep to sensible regime, and unfortunately she is also picking up all the chores I would normally have to do at this time of year. I must admit, I dont feel particularly Christmassy- I've not even got around to send out cards!
Managed to work out the overnight bag - just had the bag pop off once as I woke up!
Details now received of the next landmark - the TWOC - 30th December. There was me thinking that it would be a simple removal - obviously not!
I can't help thinking back over this year of how surreal this whole episode is.
For me, I had almost no symptoms of PCa, even my initial PSA of just over 4 which started this journey off didn't ring alarm bells with me. Having had leukaemia for 8 years, I am acutely tuned to even the smallest changes in my bloods, and some of my levels (mast cell tryptase) have fluctuated outside of the normal range for years (due to me being on a maintenance chemotherapy dose), but walking into hospital Tuesday with no discernable symptoms for major surgery, and waking up with bits missing and holes in my tummy was just surreal. Sorry went on a bit there....
Anyway, there are a few of us on here that have had recent surgery and the advice from the many contributors is so very valuable - thank you.