We have just returned from my husband’s third PSA follow-up appointment after he had a robotic prostatectomy in February 2019. Thankfully the PSA level is now on the way down. We’re very happy with that! Stress incontinence is still quite a problem, however. One factor that has contributed to that, we now understand, was the size of the prostate gland that was removed... a whopping 87.5g (bit more than the size of the walnut that features in the PCUK poster!) and way more then the average 30-35g. My husband has been very assiduous in doing his pelvic floor exercises (I have to believe him!) and using pads didn’t stop him enjoying a two-week walking holiday in the autumn - even though several packs of pads took up a fair bit of space in his suitcase! He sees a physio regularly at the hospital who gives good advice but does suggest that it might take longer than average for recovery, primarily because of the size of the prostate and the damage caused by its removal. Today the surgeon suggested that there is a procedure that might help which involves injecting a substance called ‘macroplastique’ - a synthetic bulking agent - into the space vacated by the (big!) prostate. Our first search on the internet has only turned up results for treating women with stress incontinence. Has anyone undergone this procedure, been offered it or have any knowledge of it? We are going to research into it thoroughly before making any commitment but would be fascinated to find out more about it. Thanks in anticipation of any response!