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Fatigue before diagnosis?

Posted 25 Nov 2019 at 23:37

Question to all.

I went to my doctor because of low energy.......no other reason. Was this an issue for you?

After a referral initially to a general surgery dept. and from there to urology, I was soon diagnosed with low risk prostate cancer.

I was going to gym 3 times a week, swimming, running....in good shape. age 62 now and I generally consider my self fitter than guys half my age. Up to last Christmas very fit and getting fitter. From Feb felt weak. Went to GP in July. 

Diagnosis confirmed September 26, Surgery October 28.

I am told low energy is not an issue with prostate cancer (prior to treatment). Your thoughts?


Posted 26 Nov 2019 at 01:23

Re low energy before diagnosis please answer yes or no

thank you 

Posted 26 Nov 2019 at 01:53
No, I was not affected by low energy before diagnosis or until HT started, then experienced it as most men do.

Even if a man did suffer low energy levels before diagnosis it could have been for a number of things including urinary infection which might cause urgency/frequency and loss of sleep resulting in low energy levels as Lyn postulated might be a possible cause.

Posted 26 Nov 2019 at 02:33

I had no symptoms before diagnosis and it was only by chance that the GP ticked ‘PSA’ on my annual blood test form that a raised PSA and subsequent cancer came to light.

Cheers, John.

Posted 26 Nov 2019 at 04:08

No. No symptoms at all - was just a chance PSA test which picked it up.
I'm a regular cyclist, and I suspect the exercise has stopped me from feeling tired during HT.
I didn't feel tired during EBRT (unlike most people), although my hemoglobin dropped 8% (still in normal range).
I did feel tired after HDR Brachytherapy, but I did lose 10% of my blood in the procedure (making an 18% drop in hemoglobin on top of the EBRT drop).
Hemoglobin level recovered in a month, but I continued cycling during that time, although I didn't push it hard.

Posted 26 Nov 2019 at 12:02

No. For me, I was just a little tired due to disturbed sleep having to pee once or twice at night. 

Posted 26 Nov 2019 at 19:48
Stress, lifestyle and mental state are far more likely causes - I speak from experience

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