Now less than a week to go before my robotic surgery, my feelings are all over the place. At times I am feeling very confident as I have read lots of positive comments on robotic surgery on this site and other positive info elsewhere, and I have spoken to several people who are variously 9 months, 4 years, and 9 years post-surgery, all of whom are doing very well. At other times I'm bit scared because *they're going to cut my prostate out with a robot*, and what that will mean for me afterwards
In my calmer moments I do think this is the best route for me as I have a high Gleason score (4+5) and I know the aim is to try and get rid of the cancer in one go, if all goes to plan, and I'm also happy that the hospital and team treating me are very good.
So wish me luck, or bon voyage, or bon chance? I'll post again next week after the op.