Dear all,
My name is Luis.
My dad, 85, has recently started treatment with Xtandi enzalutamide.
The PSA has gone drastically down and the test results looked very well.
He keeps walking 3-4 miles per day and this helps him a lot, both physically and emotionally.
2 main side effects of Xtandi up to now are:
1) Strong muscular pain specially in the low back and legs during the night, so quality of sleep is not great.
2) All the food tastes sweet to him, and specially at the mornings he can't eat almost anything due to this sweet flavour all around.
I've read Xtandi can affect appetite, but I was not able to find information about this special sweet flavour.
So I wonder if anybody here has had similar experience with enzalutamide?
Thanks a lot for your support and I wish you all the best.