Ah, I have found the page you are quoting from - it is the NHS information about prostatitis:
"Chronic prostatitis
You may have chronic prostatitis if you have had the following symptoms for at least 3 months:
- pain in and around your penis, testicles, anus, lower abdomen or lower back
- pain when peeing, a frequent or urgent need to pee, particularly at night, or "stop-start" peeing
- an enlarged or tender prostate on rectal examination, although in some cases it may be normal
- sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction, pain when ejaculating or pelvic pain after sex
These symptoms can have a significant impact on your quality of life.
But in most cases, they'll gradually improve over time and with treatment."
Edited by member 19 Jan 2020 at 18:00
| Reason: to activate the hyperlink