There has been quite a lot of research linking baldness to prostate cancer but according to an authoritive account linked below only going bald by 30 gives some links and they are towards more aggressive cases. It says the studies all cover different and smaller areas of proof to answer the question fully
It leaves open the question should men who go bald early be screened for prostate cancer.
From The Prostate Cancer Foundation website:
‘Right now, men known to be at higher risk for prostate cancer are:
· Men with a family history of prostate cancer, and of other types of cancer.
· Men of African descent.
· To a lesser extent, men who smoke and men who are overweight.
It looks like we need to expand this category to include men with frontal plus moderate vertex baldness. “Out of 143 forms of adult cancer,” says Simons, “prostate cancer is the only cancer where a hair feature that can be evident from across the room is associated with cancer risk. There’s nothing else in oncology like that kind of association.”
A very important note: We’re talking about men who develop this baldness in their twenties and thirties. More studies are needed to figure out the specifics of when prostate cancer screening for these men needs to start, but it very well may need to begin when men are in their thirties. This is because the men with this pattern of baldness who do develop prostate cancer – and not all of them do, for reasons we don’t understand, perhaps involving such environmental factors as diet, weight, and exercise – have higher Gleason-grade cancer.’
The above interests me as I started going bald around 20 and by 30 was well on the way. I also shaved early and had more body hair which I put down to testosterone. Coming down my mothers side from her father. She also got breast cancer in her 50s. If that’s significant, I think it might be even if just by a bit. My Gleason was 4+4.
I also read somewhere the aggressiveness could apply to any recurrence.
The above was written by a science writer as linked here:
Another more detailed account is here:
‘When subgroup analysis by types of baldness, a statistically significant association was observed for vertex baldness (RR 1.24, 95% CI 1.05–1.46) but not for other types of baldness.’
‘As male pattern baldness generally occurs decades earlier than prostate cancer, baldness may serve as a potential noninvasive screening indicator for prostate cancer if a clear association between male pattern baldness and prostate cancer could be established.‘