Well folks, if anyone has read any of my previous posts you would know that i am recovering from a turp operation, they channelled me out to relieve the pressure on my urethra so I could discard my catheter and wee like the bigger boys.
Had a scan recently and found that the disease had spread from the prostate to my penis and more bone mets in the pelvis, oh and a cracked pubic bone.
Its prostate cancer of the penis not penile cancer, it's not small cell either. My Oncologist told me he has had 4 cases in 10 years now he has me an another chap within a week.
The treatment is chemo and off the Abiraterone as its not working now. The prognosis is grim, less than 12 months so as you can imagine, my family are devastated and of course I'm not singing and dancing about it either . Does any body know of any guys who have had this rare spread, be good to compare notes.