Hi all,
Only posted a few times, but read posts everyday.
My husband G9 DX one and a half years ago PSA 310, G9 Metastatic to LN and Bones.
Started Lupron and Chemo straight away, PSA came down to 1.5, had 6 sessions of RT, PSA hovering around 1.9 to 2.4 for the last 11 months. Saw OC in Dec 2019, and PSA now 4.7, so added Biclautimide, PSA now 3.9 so heading in the right direction.
What I would like to know is if anyone has been offered Targeted RT ? My Hubbie has 2 lesions on his spine and 1 on his left hip, all LN seem ok now according to the OC.
We see our OC in March when we return off holiday, my Hubbie has no pain so dont need the R223 yet.But im considering asking about SBRT to the 3 mets. Been reading that it can really help and sometimes even eliminate them, I know that other mets will probably appear later on down the line, but surely it is better to try and sort this problem out sooner rather than later ?Especially as they are in the spine (one at the bottom,and one about half way up )
Any thoughts or experiences would be much appriciated