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Posted 20 Nov 2020 at 09:41

Hi Jim.

Good to hear from you. Glad your surgical recovery has gone well and that the plumbing is working. Sorry to hear about your PSA rise, but once those little bastards get starved of testosterone and zapped it should go very low. 😀


Two cannibals named Ectomy and Prost, all alone on a Desert island.

Prost was the strongest, so Prost ate Ectomy.

Posted 20 Nov 2020 at 10:59


If you use this site's search and search "NHS prescription pump" There is a list of threads worth checking out. I pasted a link to one below



Glad your recovery seems good but shame you need more treatment, good luck with it


Posted 20 Nov 2020 at 15:18

Thanks Bill. Helpful information.


Posted 13 Dec 2020 at 11:27

Update for Dec 13, 2020.

Heading for RT planning session tomorrow. RT treatment starting Dec 28th

First Prostap injection Monday Dec 7th. So far, no side affects to note. Early days. Maybe weight going up?

Also wanted to let you know that the NHS genetics team have advised that I have an altered BRCA2 gene. At least some sense on why I have this disease.


Posted 13 Dec 2020 at 15:18
Is gene testing part of what they do, or did they have a specific reason for testing you?
Posted 13 Dec 2020 at 16:16

No, it's not normal. Family history prompted investigation.


Posted 13 Dec 2020 at 19:13

Hi Jim

Good luck with your RT and treatment.

My husband had RARP at the end of July and his post op PSA was 0.2. His histology was worse than the pre op diagnostics. He started 33 fractions of adjuvant RT at the start of November and will finish this week coming. His oncologist decided that HT would have no added benefit for him.

Best wishes. 

Posted 13 Dec 2020 at 19:23

I am also waiting for the NHS Genetic Team results. I was told 3 months for my results. I am being tested for BRCA1 and BRCA2 and one other that I forgot to note down before I returned the form.

Maybe I will feel better knowing that there is reason why I got PCa. It will also be important for my son.

Good luck with the RT Jim.

Posted 13 Dec 2020 at 19:40

Thanks Lexi26.

Interesting that he is not having HT? I do wonder what benefit it will have for me but going with the flow.

Good luck and best wishes to you and your husband.


Posted 13 Dec 2020 at 19:44


Got to say it made me feel a bit better. Big implications for the family, both your son and maybe extended family as well.


Posted 13 Dec 2020 at 22:11

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member


Got to say it made me feel a bit better. Big implications for the family, both your son and maybe extended family as well.


In ovarian cancer treatment, if you have a BRCA mutation it opens up possibilities for targeted therapies after surgery and chemo.

I don't know whether this is the case for prostate cancer or not?
(Looks like it might be a fairly new thing in the EU, which no longer affects us, according to this article AstraZeneca and MSD’s Lynparza (olaparib) has been approved in the European Union (EU) for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) with breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2 (BRCA1/2) mutations, a subpopulation of homologous recombination repair (HRR) gene mutations.)



Two cannibals named Ectomy and Prost, all alone on a Desert island.

Prost was the strongest, so Prost ate Ectomy.

Posted 13 Dec 2020 at 23:13

Thanks Alex. I had read about the therapies you mention for ovarian cancer. I didn't know about Prostate Cancer. Really interesting.

Hope I never get to that point, but good to know. Also, reminded me that I need to make sure my Onco is aware of my BRCA2 situation.



Posted 14 Dec 2020 at 00:22

Yes. Definitely hope you never get anywhere near needing it.


Two cannibals named Ectomy and Prost, all alone on a Desert island.

Prost was the strongest, so Prost ate Ectomy.

Posted 14 Dec 2020 at 20:08

From why I read BRCA is prevalent in around ~5% prostate cancers. If memory serves me right is a genetic error which stops cell apoptosis (pre programmed cell death) when a genetic mutation makes it potentially cancerous.

hope the results come back favourably but like you in a big fan of visibility and awareness rather than flying blind. Roll on immunotherapy...it’s coming and lots of work being done in the US on next gen CAR-T with negating a tumours immunosuppressive properties in hiding from the immune system. 

Edited by member 15 Dec 2020 at 01:22  | Reason: Added keyword ‘prostate’. Thanks Lyn!

Posted 15 Dec 2020 at 00:03
I think the data suggests that a genetic fault is present in around 5% of prostate cancers - these include BRCA1, BRCA 2 (white men and particularly Ashkenazi Jewish men) but also others such as HOXB and some that seem specific to African Caribbean men but are not yet proven. The last time I was at the GP surgery with Dad, I noticed they had a big poster encouraging Jewish patients to book a PSA test, especially if they were of Ashkenazi heritage, because of the increased risk of carrying BRCA1/2.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 15 Dec 2020 at 01:21

Edited as missed the key word ‘prostate’ 🤷🏼‍♂️

thanks Lyn!

Posted 07 Jan 2021 at 17:23

Just a wee note to say Happy New year, and a big thanks to everyone on this site.

Your information and support in 2020 was so helpful to me in going through surgery and now salvage radio therapy. It has been enormously valuable to take this path with my eyes open because of the information provided here.

Had my 8th RT session today. So far, so good. 


Posted 13 Jan 2021 at 18:27

Jim,   Awkward question if i may (apologies) . With the benefit of hindsight would you have been better going down the RT route first , instead of opting for surgery. My numbers are very similar to yours and there is a risk that it is near or on the surface (T3 ?) What I'm trying to establish is that if there is a risk you might need RT after surgery why bother going through the operation and recovery in the first place if you are only going to end up on RT anyway?  You possibly might only need the brachytherapy as i assume being able to target it accurately in the first place has a better outcome than the treating "an area" after the prostrate has been removed?

Thanks and hope the rest of the treatment goes well

Posted 13 Jan 2021 at 19:16

Thanks for your question. Not a problem to ask anything.

It's really difficult to answer. In some ways, I would say yes. The RT has so far been very easy. If it was guaranteed to cure me then I might have chosen this route. I was going to be on HT for 3 years and didn't fancy this. Also, you don't know if you cured (or in remission) until you are done with HT as well. So you have to wait.

On the other hand. There is no doubt that my cancer was far more extensive than first thought. This has only come to light following the surgery histology. Hence would my RT plan have done the job? Brachytherapy was never an option for me but I don't think would have worked.

It seems to me to be more difficult to deal with an outcome of failed RT. The main option here is even more difficult surgery.

My prostate has gone. Hence I know for a fact that no further cancer can grow from it.

As I say difficult to answer your question. There is uncertainty in which ever route is chosen.


Posted 13 Jan 2021 at 19:31

Thanks :-)

Do you know why you weren't offered brachytherapy ? I have incorrectly assumed it was the "gold standard" RT and available to all as its very targeted and has fewer side effects ??

I have been offered either the robot surgery or brachytherapy with a Gleesan 7 (3-4) and T3a ? 

No mention of any HT

With failed RT is more & stronger RT an option ?



Posted 13 Jan 2021 at 20:05

Just my experience..when diagnosed I was 52 and final histology showed localised T2c (3+4) all negative margins. I was advised against brachytherapy by my urologist on the basis of perceived increased risk further down the line in terms of secondary primaries with patients <60yrs.

Posted 13 Jan 2021 at 20:34

Hi Philip, 

I had brachy and am pleased with it. I think one of your questions is "can you have stronger RT if the first treatment fails?" I'm not 100% sure of the answer, but apparently there is a life time limit to how much radiation certain bits of your body are ever supposed to get, so as a general rule once you have RT to your prostate your up to that limit, and you shouldn't have any more to that area of the body. I have never found any reference to what the limit is in greys, nor can I see the logic in leaving someone with a cancer that will kill them, rather than zapping them with even more x-rays and taking them above the lifetime limit, which might also kill them, but might not.

BTW you might want to start your own thread on here, introduce yourself with your diagnosis, that way your questions and "story" all ends up in one place and you can refer back to it, a bit like a diary. 


Posted 13 Jan 2021 at 20:47

I'm no expert but Brachytherapy not the gold standard for all cases. 

I expect my cancer was too extensive. My initial diagnosis from MRI and then targeted biopsy was cancer on left side apex. As it turns out I had positive margins at the bladder base, and I think prostate bead.

As has been mentioned in other answers. There is a life time limit on RT. So can't have repeats on same area.

There are focal therapies that I don't know anything about. I have read these been repeated on different areas.


Posted 13 Mar 2021 at 10:21

Hi apologies first time post.

My details. Age 75, Gleason 3+3, cancer on left side only. Biopsy taken 5 each side. Right side clear, left side 3 of 5 showed cancer. It was Put at Gp1. But urologist felt on digital examination so though would be Stage 2. Bone scan just come back clear. Complication is I am stuck in Spain, combination of COVID and Brexit issues. I am hoping to get back to UK in early April.

Been very impressed with the quality of information, and supportive nature of that support. Been impressed particularly with Burghboy posts, and all your advice/ support.

My urologist a German, splits practice between Bavaria and here. Saw him last week and he gave me the 4 basic options available. I am now thinking these through for further discussion in 10 days time. Am meeting with an fried who had complete removal of prostate 6 years ago when he was 63 years of age.

Excuse my nervous waffle, but thought background important. The more I read from you guys the more I believe that UK is place to be with this Cancer. So I will continue to read the excellent information posted in this Community and hope it helps me make the right decision.

Thanks your patience,

Langer ( David Langridge)

Posted 13 Mar 2021 at 10:46

Apologies on last post omitted PSA was 6.7. Urologist remarked small prostate??? Like that of younger person not 75. If that’s good



Posted 13 Mar 2021 at 11:56

Hi David. 

Firstly thanks for your comments. 👍

I think you should probably start your own thread to get a fuller viewing, and to ask for specific advice.

From my point of view, your Gleason is low at 6, and your PSA is also relatively low 6.7. Your disease seems slow growing at this stage.

I think in your situation I would take my time on deciding what treatment to take or indeed if to delay. 

As you know, I have had surgery and subsequent RT with HT. 

The surgery was dramatic but recovered quickly. No urinary issues. ED has not recovered yet. Also the loss of length is disconcerting.

I have to say the RT has been very easy. On the other hand I don't like the HT. It is really making recovery from ED impossible. Also, lots of hot flushes.

Hope others will give you their thoughts. Probably best to start your own thread.

Best wishes,


Posted 13 Mar 2021 at 17:54
Hi Jim,

Thanks your advice, have posted a new thread.

Also thanks for your update.

Wish you the very best,


Posted 13 Mar 2021 at 21:03

Hi David. Haven't seen your new post?Have noticed myself that sometimes I needed to hit post twice.


Posted 13 Mar 2021 at 21:23
Hi Jim,

I posted under New Conversation with title similar to yours in truth. Thank you again for coming back, I will repost again in the morning.

Thanks as always.


Posted 26 Mar 2021 at 11:21

A wee update from me.

Got my first post RT PSA result this morning. < 0.1. I guess that's as low as they go so taking as undetectable.

I'm on HT as well so a couple years before seeing the overall impact. None the less, very happy this morning and a glass of wine tonight is planned.

I have phone call with the Oncologist on Wed 31st March. Will find out next steps then. 


Posted 26 Mar 2021 at 13:52
Excellent - that little < is the most beautiful symbol in the world as it does indeed mean your PSA is undetectable
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 26 Mar 2021 at 15:07

Excellent result.


Posted 26 Mar 2021 at 15:44

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

A wee update from me.

Got my first post RT PSA result this morning. < 0.1. I guess that's as low as they go so taking as undetectable.

I'm on HT as well so a couple years before seeing the overall impact. None the less, very happy this morning and a glass of wine tonight is planned.


Excellent news.

Does anyone know whether HT is normally used with adjuvant RT or does it totally depend on location and circumstances? (asking for a friend whose post-RARP PSA is still low, but seems like it might be creeping up gradually)

Edited by member 26 Mar 2021 at 15:44  | Reason: Not specified


Two cannibals named Ectomy and Prost, all alone on a Desert island.

Prost was the strongest, so Prost ate Ectomy.

Posted 26 Mar 2021 at 17:58
HT is commonly used to supplement adjuvant and salvage RT - the data suggests that it makes the RT more effective. Just a small number of oncos who seem to disagree - I am not sure why.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 30 Mar 2021 at 22:25
Good luck with your onco meeting.
Posted 31 Mar 2021 at 11:26

Thanks for taking the time AntonyB. 👍


Posted 18 Apr 2021 at 17:34

Hi, I saw surgeon on Thursday, originally I thought I would go for surgery, but after being told the waiting time at the QE bham, would be 10/12 weeks I have decided to opt for hormone and rt, just hope I have made the right decision, the surgeon assures me that both options carry the same amount of drawbacks but both can offer the same success rates, however there are no guarantees when dealing with cancer

Posted 22 Apr 2021 at 21:58

Good luck with it. I have had salvage RT and HT for two years. No real I'll effects. Hate the HT. Losing strength and stamina. Too many hot flushes.

Nothing I can't deal with.

Very best wishes.


Edited by member 22 Apr 2021 at 21:58  | Reason: Missed word out.

Posted 03 May 2021 at 14:26
Hi. I am in exactly the same situation well not exactly. I came to the decision to avoid RT quickly. But later discovered focal Cryotherapy as an option. SO still in a quandary.
Posted 24 May 2021 at 22:08

Hi all. Hope you are all well.

I am 5 months into my Prostap HT following salvage RT. Getting me down to be honest. I have some questions that I know have been asked before. Can't find what I need from searching here.

I am getting up to 20 hot flushes every day. Full blown sweats. Only 5 mins or so, but each one wakes me up through the night. Is this normal and ways to manage? 

I have absolutely no libido. I am using pump nearly every day to keep healthy, but no natural erections or stirrings. It is such a shame for my wife, and I am really letting her down. I am so anxious that I don't want to start any intimacy. Any advice would be appreciated.

Finally a much less important issue. Although important to me. I play golf and seem to have lost at least 20 yards off of all my shots. Is this normal? Has my swing got really bad during my lack of play over the last year of treatment. Or is possible that I have just lost my strength?

Thanks again for your support.

Kind regards,


Posted 24 May 2021 at 22:33
Hi Jim hope I can help. I’m 4 1/2 months into HT. I asked specifically for Decapeptyl as Prostap is cheap and cheerful. I researched this through others experiences on this forum. Yes they all do the same thing but are different chemicals and I believe the side effects vary. Yep I’m getting hot flushes , mainly first thing on waking and late at night. They aren’t too severe but are a pain. Yes my libido has dropped quite dramatically but I think I was so oversexed to begin with that it’s left me more or less ‘ normal ‘. I’m more concerned with keeping my wife happy than myself in that area tbh. Sadly I seem to have lost the ability to orgasm so it puts me off , but I’m still attracted to and can please my wife. Still using Tadalafil and pump and elections are natural if needed. Night time stirrings are back after a brief break. And yes it will be your strength. I’ve lost a lot of muscle and strength. Mostly in my legs in my case. Belly is more swollen but no actual weight gain. Hope some of this helps you. Sadly I’m on it for life now but pushed enjoyment to the max before starting it so I don’t feel so robbed. Take care
Posted 24 May 2021 at 22:54

Thanks Chris for getting back with such a detailed note.

I will investigate Decapeptyl. I previously asked Onco nurse about alternatives due to flushes, and was basically told "they are all the same". 😡

I think I need to get to the gym. Belly and chest getting bigger but no weight gain. Most likely I am losing muscle mass. 

I think I'm fighting a losing battle on the libido front. Taking daily tadalafil and using pump but that is not really the issue. Need to waken the libido somehow. 

Thanks again,


Posted 25 May 2021 at 00:15
Burghboy, you are not letting your wife down - loss of libido is completely out of your control and there isn't anything you can do to wake it up. Some men are able to engage in sexual activity even with no libido but for most, it is a pointless exercise and can even seem distasteful / gross. I knew when J was going through the motions for my sake and it brought no pleasure to either of us.

Maintaining penile health with use of the pump is a good thing but I think you could cut yourself some slack here.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 25 May 2021 at 08:06

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Hi, I saw surgeon on Thursday, originally I thought I would go for surgery, but after being told the waiting time at the QE bham, would be 10/12 weeks I have decided to opt for hormone and rt, just hope I have made the right decision, the surgeon assures me that both options carry the same amount of drawbacks but both can offer the same success rates, however there are no guarantees when dealing with cancer

I hope it works for you. I think with surgery, there is a greater urine incontinence risk, less so with HT & RT, but it takes a lot longer - in my case about 2 years. Yes, you get the Hot flushes, loss of strength & more. 

 But I'm coming out of that now, flushes - gone, strength back, Sex is almost back to normal, at 72, that is a bonus! 

I'm a year after the end of the HT, & that is how long it took for me to get back to "Normality" - I think. Testosterone is back to normal, I hope that does not upset the PSA test I have this Friday!

Good luck with your course, RT is only over a month, do observe the Diet restrictions to keep the gas down. Holding the pee, was a daily endurance test 😁, but they were great at Addenbrooks in Cambridge. I was just relieved most of this was done & dusted for me, before Covid hit us all.

Edited by member 25 May 2021 at 08:08  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 25 May 2021 at 09:50

Thanks Lyn. I know you are right. It's very difficult to accept as you will know from experience with J.

Take care and I hope all is well with you both.


Posted 25 May 2021 at 18:51
I had Zoladex for 3 yrs (with approx 2yrs enzalutimide and abiraterone included) and libido completely disappeared I couldn't actually believe it possible, plenty of hot flushes day/night, weight gain of approx 13kg most seemingly around stomach, lost plenty of strength/stamina/muscle despite trying to keep some exercise going. I seemed to get most of potential side effects. Hot flushes were d/w via acupuncture worked very well. Other things just took time. I finished Zoladex end June 2018, still got some weight to get rid off but other things ok obviously not what they were.So the effects you mention are expected with HT. I obviously only know about the treatment I had.


Posted 25 May 2021 at 19:14

Thanks Peter. I seem to be in the same boat as you.

You have reminded me that some people do well with acupuncture. I need to take that on board. I think a no brainer, no downside. 👍

Cheers, and take care.



Posted 07 Aug 2021 at 16:32

A wee update. Got my second PSA yesterday. 6 months after salvage RT and on HT. <0.1 again.

So all good other than: ED, no labido, loss of muscle strength and stamina, and many hot flushes each. Really struggling with these HT side affects (ED due to all my treatments).

I am on HT for two years. I think I will struggle with another 18 months. I was wondering if there is any updated studies out there relating to HT duration after salvage RT.

As always, thanks for the support on this group. 

Posted 08 Aug 2021 at 08:19
Stick with it, is all I can say - HT is there, to stop the Cancer returning. It is a year + since I ended my HT, & things are as normal as they can be for a 72 year old - inc ED back to normal, though not much liquid!! The YL is a bit happier now.
Posted 08 Aug 2021 at 09:04
I’ve been on HT for 7 months now and sadly for the rest of my life at 54. It is getting me down if I’m honest but essentially QOL still really good. Hardly any side effects other than hot flushes which I can live with. What is really getting me down is that I have good libido and still great erectile function , but orgasm is now very elusive. I’m not selfish at all so am happy to participate in whatever , but it’s really annoying getting so close each time and then it’s gone. My weight is stable , no moobs or tenderness. Leg exercises keeping them strong. It’s hard for everyone but at least you have the option of coming off. I feel like I’m on a final leg as not sure I’d have Chemo or radium etc.
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