Things gone from one extreme to another. Was being monitored with 6 monthly PSA tests. Went up to 24 so another MRI. Was told over the phone 2 areas of concern, either side of prostate, which now measures 120, looks like cancer.
Heard nothing regards next steps so couple of week later ring consultant's secretary. Explained no comms, phone or letter, so she checks. Note on file to say monitor for further 6 month.
Don't think so says I, can one of the 4 I've seen call me please. Lady calls, apologises for lack of comms, monitor for further 6 months.
Explained consultant who rang after MRI adamant cancer present so would like another biopsie.
This was done on a Tues. On the Friday call to say can I attend a bone scan Mon? Do bone scan, call from another consultant Tues to say bone scan clear but a 7 score cancer in prostate. What if it had been left another 6 month?
Consultant reccomends removal or radiotherapy.
'Kin head all over the place
Oncologist (and team?)Thursday.
Sails, wind, of, knocked, out to say the least.