Rob16. IN March 2021, the urologist immediately announced after my DRE that I had cancer and after the MRI that I would be on zolodex for the rest of my life which would be 5 years hence. Fortunately, the oncologist was much more realistic, with a CT scan to confirm staging and that showed 3 mets (2 of which were small).
I did not ask for a prognosis. My thought is that no one really knows and the outcome will depend a lot on what I do plus the anti-cancer drugs whatever they may be. I need to be around a long time for my kids and new grand child.
Now on my third 3-month zolodox and nearly 3 months on enzalutamide. On September 1 I have face-to-face consultation with oncologist to define my radiation treatment which is programmed for October / November. My PSA was down to 0.11 (from initial 64 in February) in mid July and today I go for my monthly bloods prior to renewal of my enza prescription. So far so good; main issue is fatigue but I bought a dog to ensure I get out at least twice a day and walk at least 6 km every 2 days. Changed my diet without punishing myself (I lose about 1 kg a month) and I take supplements (vit c, vit d, garlic, turmeric, iron, apricot kernels, and a couple more) that while they may be no good at least give me the impression that I am doing something. The challenge is to remain positive and prove the urologist wrong big time!