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Husband's biopsy

Posted 01 Mar 2020 at 18:02

I am very worried.  My husband had a prostate biopsy last Monday 24th February.   I am wondering if anyone else has experienced the Urologist telling my husband that he thought it was cancer.   I was quite surprised at this as I thought we would have to wait for the result before the big C was mentioned.

Needless to say I believe we have at least another week before knowing and boy the worry fills your every hour.  I know we are not alone in this and would be pleased to hear from anyone.   This is a wonderful website and have read many stories of you all.   Take care everyone.

Posted 01 Mar 2020 at 20:16
There must be some strong indicators for the doctor to say that, although some are like the voice of doom and turn out to be wrong. Perhaps your husband's PSA is very high or they could feel the cancer when they did the finger up the bum test? Also, 70% of men in their 70s have some cancer cells in their prostate so I guess the likelihood of the biopsy finding something is quite high.

Do you know any details such as his PSA?

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 01 Mar 2020 at 23:06

Many thanks for your reply.  I believe his PSA was 11 but I need to check that out again in case I heard wrongly.  Any advice for stopping my mind wandering for at least another week.

Posted 01 Mar 2020 at 23:15
Okay so his PSA is higher than it should be for his age but by no means horrific. I think everyone finds the wait for results seems long and there isn't very much you can do except keep busy and plan some nice things for the next couple of weeks.

Did he have a scan before his biopsy? If not, they may send an appointment for a scan before they can give him any results.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 02 Mar 2020 at 00:07

Hello Lyn,  Yes he had an MRI, then the biopsy on the same day.   Thank you again for your wise words.

Posted 02 Mar 2020 at 20:09


Just came on here to update my own tale but saw yours and hopefully can give reason to think positive .

Got result today from my 3rd TRUS biopsy and no cancer found. This despite PSA of 24 and very enlarged prostate, as well as MRI showing abnormality on node.

As pointed out to me on this site, something is not right, but hey, no cancer.

Think positive and best wishes.



Posted 02 Mar 2020 at 23:50

Thank you Nick for your reply.  Yes, we have to think positive.  It was the fact that the Urologist actually mentioned the fact he thought it was cancer to my husband just after taking the biopsy that freaked me out and also my poor husband.   I have decided to wait a full two weeks then I will phone down to see if they have the results.   It sure is a shock to the system when you think your life is chugging along fine.   This only came about because I mentioned at one of his doctors appointments about his nose running all the time and (the main reason) the fact he was running to the toilet all the time.  Although it has come as a shock to the system I am only glad I had gone in with him at that appointment and mentioned the situation otherwise things could have become a whole lot worse.   So, we now await the result.

So glad to hear your good news and thanks again for your best wishes


Posted 08 Mar 2020 at 19:19

We actually had the opposite. Almost every step of the way my husband was told how unlikely it was to be the big C, but we weren’t so lucky in that regard. What we have been extremely lucky in, is finding out now (despite only being 44). If he had not gone to investigate frequent bathroom visits for another 10 years, it could be a very different narrative. 

For me though, working in health, I was more realistic about the outcome.  I coped with the waiting by researching and analysing (not for everyone).  I like to know what I am facing, to feel some sense of control and order.  However, we also spent some great quality time together. Treasured precious moments whilst hoping for the best!

Edited by member 08 Mar 2020 at 19:22  | Reason: Hit return to early


Posted 08 Mar 2020 at 23:33

Thank you Mel for your message.  Although the wait for results is difficult, I too am only glad I brought the subject up of his frequent visits to the loo which I knew were getting him down.  BUT if it had not been brought up things could have ended a lot worse.    Everything now crossed for his results.   Wishing you and your husband the very best.

Posted 09 Mar 2020 at 14:39

Hello again Mel,  as a matter of interest how long did you have to wait for your husbands biopsy result please.

Posted 10 Mar 2020 at 07:31
Biopsy results generally take about two weeks.

Best wishes,


Posted 10 Mar 2020 at 10:12

Many thanks Chris

Posted 10 Mar 2020 at 16:52

From what I recall, after my MRI I received three letters in the post on the same day. One was appointment for bone scan, one for biopsy and the third was appointment for result, which was to be about two weeks after the biopsy.

I'm sure different trusts work differently, but I'd say mine was quite good, in that you already had an appointment for the results, prior to them doing the tests. Your hubby's biopsy was on 24/2 I think you are justified in calling them to chase them up now. 


Posted 10 Mar 2020 at 18:19

Hello Dave,  thanks for your message.  I did in fact telephone them today and we have an appointment for next week so we will see what the next phase is.

Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 01:08
Hello everyone, 17 months have passed since my last entry and covid pandemic.

To follow on from my last entry hubby had to have two weeks (every day) radiotherapy and also steroid injection every 3 months until they say to stop.

We have a telephone conversation with the cancer hospital (he has to have his blood taken a week beforehand for his PSA level) and the last one, his PSA level was more or less nil. He will be under the hospital for 3 years and our next telephone conversation will be in November.

One thing that hubby is experiencing is he feels his energy draining away leaving a feeling of weakness especially from the waist down. Has anyone else experienced this and how do you cope with it.

Many thanks to you all for reading this, take care and all the best.

Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 02:04
I can't see you have shown what the full diagnosis was but it seems he was treated with a form of radiotherapy. With RT, often Hormon Therapy is administered and can be given up to 3 years and depending on cicumstances can be longer. HT can produce the systoms you discribe among others. Do you know the name of the injection he is having which I suspect could be one type of HT?
Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 08:25
Are you sure it's a steroid injection, Rob? The standard non-surgical treatment for prostate cancer is radiotherapy together with hormone therapy, which is administered as three-monthly hormone injections. The symptoms you describe are absolutely normal as side-effects of hormone therapy.

Best wishes,


Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 09:53

Hello Chris and Barry,  Many thanks for your replies.  The injection he is on is called Prostap every three months.

Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 10:28
Rob16. IN March 2021, the urologist immediately announced after my DRE that I had cancer and after the MRI that I would be on zolodex for the rest of my life which would be 5 years hence. Fortunately, the oncologist was much more realistic, with a CT scan to confirm staging and that showed 3 mets (2 of which were small).

I did not ask for a prognosis. My thought is that no one really knows and the outcome will depend a lot on what I do plus the anti-cancer drugs whatever they may be. I need to be around a long time for my kids and new grand child.

Now on my third 3-month zolodox and nearly 3 months on enzalutamide. On September 1 I have face-to-face consultation with oncologist to define my radiation treatment which is programmed for October / November. My PSA was down to 0.11 (from initial 64 in February) in mid July and today I go for my monthly bloods prior to renewal of my enza prescription. So far so good; main issue is fatigue but I bought a dog to ensure I get out at least twice a day and walk at least 6 km every 2 days. Changed my diet without punishing myself (I lose about 1 kg a month) and I take supplements (vit c, vit d, garlic, turmeric, iron, apricot kernels, and a couple more) that while they may be no good at least give me the impression that I am doing something. The challenge is to remain positive and prove the urologist wrong big time!

Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 13:33

Hello Barry,

Many thanks for your reply.  For some reason steroids have been in our heads so you have cleared that one up for us.  He is on Prostap injections which I believe is Leuprorelin every 3 months since his RT.   Hubby now feels happier knowing the reason for his feeling weak.  Thanks again, take care and all the best.👍

Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 14:02

Hi there,

You are doing really well I think, what with changing your diet and losing weight and taking the vitamins.   Although I am not sure about the apricot kernels having looked up info on them.  I had the understanding they were poisonous. Have you looked them up to see if they are healthy to take?  Your PSA has come down from a staggering 64 which is great and soon you will have your timetable for your radiation treatment.  Once that starts then you are on your way.  I think hubby had two Prostap injections before his radiotherapy.   Radiotherapy went well and he did not have any after effects.  He has six monthly reviews by telephone when the hospital tells him his latest PSA level and he is scheduled for one now in November.  So, onwards and upwards, thinking of you when you have your next appointment keep taking the vitamins but do look up the apricot kernels.  We are all on here to support one another and you have a great one on four legs and oodles of love for you.  Take care, thinking of you, thanks for your reply.🐶

Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 14:16

Hello Chris,

For some unknown reason we have had steroid in our heads, but thankfully you have cleared that one up for us.

He is on Prostap injections and is happier now that he knows the reason for his feeling the weakness.  His radiotherapy treatment went well with no side effects and his PSA level is way down.  He has six month updates by phone from the cancer hospital and his next one is November when they tell him his latest PSA.  So until then we carry on as usual gardening at the moment in between him having his three monthly injections and awaiting the phone call.

Your results have been promising and wish you all the best now for November.  

Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 18:20

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
...injection every 3 months until they say to stop...

After RT and with no evidence of mets I would expect them to have a target date for stopping the injections. For me it was 18 months post RT. Some people find the side effects of HT unbearable and ask to stop earlier than that. If he is not suffering too badly he should probably go for the whole course, but I think it is worth asking when they think the last injection will be.


Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 18:51
I was on HT for 18 months in total; 6 months prior to starting RT and another year after. I was originally due to be on them for two years, but my oncologist was happy to agree to my request to stop after 18 months, because research shown that the long-term results are just as good.

Best wishes,


Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 19:10

Many thanks Dave.  We will see how he goes and what they say at the next phone appointment in November. Take care.

Posted 11 Aug 2021 at 19:16

Many thanks Chris.  Hubby had his RT last year so time is going on and we will see what they say at his next phone appointment.  Well that is one thing a lot of people have it and it is lovely that we can come and discuss our situations here.  It certainly helps a lot.   Take care.

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