Just a little aside on side effects with statins. Muscular issues seem to crop up quite a bit. In my case the background is that I started getting horrendous (and that is not too graphic a description) thigh cramps that, at their worst made me sweat and feel nauseous. These came on after my monthly outing with a walking group.
I put up with this for years until I read something on line about a chap who put these thigh cramps down to the statins he was taking.
I took an executive decision to stop taking the statins for 3 days before my monthly walk. Since I have put this into practice I haven't been troubled with the thigh cramps.
My cholesterol remains low so this occasional "holiday" doesn't seem to lessen the effect.
It goes without saying that it would be sensible to consult a medical professional before taking the action I did even though I didn't!