On the topic of constipation.
Liquid is good, it's easy not to have enough. Water will do, don't stint.
Ground Flax seed is good mixed in with cereals. A teaspoonful is probably enough it can have too big an effect and make it very soft.
Fibre is good. Bran. Wholemeal bread. Fresh fruit like apple. Muesli. Vegetables nicely cooked from fresh.
I find Alpen sends me off faster than anything if I eat quite a lot, say breakfast and some as a dessert, quite a lot. The original version is a bit sweet but better than the non-sweet version. My wife doesn't like me eating it.
There are foods that bung you up or don't help at all. These are corn flakes and similar processed cereals. White bread. Processed food. Certainly for me anyway. Not drinking enough liquid.