My OH was on arberatitone for 22 months and also put on a low dose of a blood pressure tablet as his bp was a little high and arberatitone can affect it.However he had to come off it due to psa rise and is now on chemotherapy. I had a very scary incident yesterday, when he passed out in the chair and I had to call an ambulance as I did not know what was happening to him, as I could not rouse him. Before the ambulance arrived, he did come to, but was quite groggy. A check of his general observations, showed his blood pressure had fallen very much and he had fainted as he sat.
Therefore, if you have to come off arberatitone, do get a review of your other medication as it could mean that your bp can be altered. Our gp came out to him and he is now monitoring his bp without the medication for a week to see if he does still need to be treated. It is very frightening if you have never witnessed a sudden and unexpected faint. I have seen strokes happen suddenly and that was my biggest fear as the observed symptoms are similar initially. Fortunately there seemed to be no impairment other than fatigue.