Hello Annie6662,
Yes, I have read that book. I found it inspiring although the woman who wrote it has certain characteristics that I do not chime with. In my opinion, she has a strident voice, an overpowering drive and a somewhat arrogant attitude. Having said that, she is clearly a fighter and a fighter needs those characteristics.
After reading the book, I changed my diet by stopping sugar and alcohol for nine months. I felt better, my PSA dropped by 2 points, stabilised, then rose 2 points. So, the book had a benefit on my overall health and mental attitude. However, it did not "starve" my cancer.
I am on AS and have been for 18 months, Gleason 3+3 T1. My biopsy indicates that I am low/intermediate risk. I am in the process of considering surgery and or HIFU.
Good luck